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Full Version: Kittys at Willard
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I was wondering if any one is picking up an cookie cutters at willard? Last year I didn't catch a single one. which is surprise because in the past its usually been really steady. Any help would be very much appreciated.
I have been out to willard 3 times this year and have yet to get a bite. I have tried three different areas thinking shallower and warmer might be good, but wasn't. I did fish near a fellow a few days ago that caught one about 16". Last year I feel I did OK for the time I spent out there, but never really set things on fire. While fishing yesterday, I got to thinking I maybe a bit early in the season for there to be many in closer to the rocks. Don't know, will have to keep trying.
[cool][#0000ff]I fear that the everlovin' kitties at Willard are in some kind of decline. My personal experience the past two years is the worst I have ever had at Willard. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Most years I begin whackin' 'em good right after ice out...catch grundles all through the summer...and finish with a flourish by catching plenty even in the final days before iceup. Last year I was lucky to catch more than a few on any given trip...even during summer prime time. And in the fall I really had to work to catch a times and places I usually do very well.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]This spring I hit the north marina in March for my first shot of the year...a time when I ALWAYS catch some kitties. SKUNKO. In three trips since I have caught only 3 or 4 cats. And all of those have been on small jigs...not on the minnows they usually climb all over. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Other Willard cat fanciers have reported similar lack of success. A couple here or there but not the hungry hordes we have come to love.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]What and why? I got no explanation. Willard seems to go through cycles on all species. But with lower wiper populations and dismal catfish showings I will probably not be spending much time there this year. Plenty of other places I can get more love for my efforts.[/#0000ff]
I went to the Feed Lot area last Sunday morning for a few hours just after first light. Not even a nibble. Bummed me out. This time last year it was on. Keep trying different spots. We should be finding them soon. Could be with the large supply of shad last year and the survivors this year have the Cats and wipers well feed. Find the Shad and you will find the game fish not to far off.
Thank you for your posts. this helps a bunch, I was beginning to question my fishing abilities.