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Went to Yuba the other day and had a blast catching pike and small mouth bass. I didn't catch anything of real size, but caught many. do you guys have any secrets to reel in a big pike? is it necessary to have a boat out there if you want to catch the big ones or is there any shore casting secrets? i have a boat, but she is still a work in progress. i need a motor and she will be ready. any tips will be much appreciated.
Did you catch many pike?
you lucky/skilled bugger, I spent 3 days down there last year and all I got was carp.
Nice to see a Yuba report that is not just carp, carp and more carp. Glad that the pike and SMB's are making somewhat of a we just need the catfish population to rebound. Spent many summers windsurfing down there as a kid...not the easiest place to fish. Thanks for the post and pictures.
hell yeah buddy well done!! good to see some fish being caught out of that lake
Have never been down there and have been trying to find time for two years. Nice job. Do you mind if I ask what you were using? I'll take any info you are willing to share.
Fished Yuba over the weekend out of Painted Rocks ramp...not a bite but carp on a worm. Tired everything for 'eyes and pike, but nothing. Water temps 58* am and 65* pm.
Six inch Maniac Minnow in Juvenile perch rigged on a 3/8 oz jig head 4/0 hook. Swim it slow.
Encouraging report. And a side note about the facilites down there. They have improved and expanded both ramp sites but the one by the dam is really nice. Lots of trailer/camping spots, nice restrooms, even a small store, and a few rental cabins. You would be hard pressed to find a camping spot this coming weekend but it should open up a bit after that. It is a favorite spot for the power boat crowd and fishing can be difficult when they get going. I've found the best bet is to get away from the launch areas for a little peace and quiet. Also, get there at day light and you should have a couple of hours before it gets crowded.
Right on! That sounds like quite a day for Yuba!
They were biting off pretty much anything i threw out there. The lucky ticket was a small rapala orange yellow and green with black strips. Go down to the Oasis side where the spillway is. Fish where the rocks are. Thats where i had my best luck. Like i said they were biting everything for instance i was just using some cheese, cast it out for a while and the reeled in. while i was reeling in a pike came from no where and hit and landed it. They were going crazy.
Use big lures and keep at it until you catch one. They seem to like water in the six to eight-foot depth range. Best lures are minnowlike crankbaits like Tail Dancers and jointed Rapalas. Size 9 or bigger.
I'm looking to yuba for a three day weekend this coming weekend. I'll be using a sit on too kayak (has trolling motor) so looking at 2 mile range from where I put in. I'm grew up in Ohio fishing for pike and Muskie. Just looking for any suggestion on where to put in to target pike. Looking for larger pike 8 to 20+ lbs. Read netting surveys and seems do able at yuba.
Any help would be great also looking not to get hit with too much boat traffic? Currently thinking of putting in At painted rocks?