Hit utah lake for a few hours. Took my 4 weight out for some white bass action but the only problem was the lack of white bass. Where did they all go? since I couldn't find them I went after carp even though I didn't bring my bigger rod. I landed 2, but it took an eternity and the fish could do what ever it wanted. I also landed my first channel catfish on a fly [shocked]. I had no idea they would hit a fly. I caught him while going after white bass. The horrible part of the trip was my last cast I snagged, and while trying to get out of it, I snapped my rod in half [mad]. I am such an idiot! I can land carp on a 4 weight but a snag is what breaks my pole. What tops it off is that I just got this rod and it was my second time using it. It was a horrible way to end the trip. I just hope the lifetime warrenty is everything they claimed.
Sounds like some fun catching on a fly rod. Sorry to hear about your breakup. Hope that warranty works for ya. Always hate to lose or bust up equipment.
Hmmm - fresh carp for the smoker!
Nice fish

story about broken fly rod V_V. Have you ever thought of buying a cabelas rod because if it says cabelas on the rod and u break it you can get the same one for free no questions asked lol. I know how it feels to break fly rods >_< i broke my 4-5th on in the past 2-3 years. I hope if i fly fish for carp they would break my pole this weekend .
What kind of rod was it? Where did you get it?
It was a Hells Canyon Custom Rod that I won.
Nice job man! looks like fun. I still havent caught a carp on the fly.
I am sorry to hear about the broken rod. Indeed a bad way to end an otherwise fun trip. Catching a carp on the 4 weight would no doubt be fun.
what do these mean >_< XD ?
If you buy a fly rod that's a cabelas brand and if u break it u can exchange the broken one for a new one.
I broke quite a few rods and when ever i get a new one I don't even Gota pay a penny even. Free to exchange for broken.
Just saying if u broken a few rods u might want to buy one from them.
Nice fish! I am so glad I have enough choices in fly rods. I think a four weight on Utah Lake would be my last choice, but I am C&R.
Good luck on the repair.
Flyfishinglover, Cabela's did nothing to a broke Stow Away rod I had, but no where on it or their ads did it say they would.
Ya, a 4 weight will be my last choice on that lake going forward, lol.
the same kind of thing happened to me last year i landed a 20in brown no my 4 waite then stupidly piced up my rod by the tip in excitement and snap no more fly rod and no warranty ether had to waite a month to get a now one
[quote flygoddess]
Nice fish! I am so glad I have enough choices in fly rods. I think a four weight on Utah Lake would be my last choice, but I am C&R.
Good luck on the repair.
Any chance you would enlighten us who aren't that familiar with fly fishing what this means?
As he mentioned, it takes longer to bring big fish in with lighter gear, same with spinning. The longer it takes, the harder it is on the fish.
Now I know, Carp shouldn't matter, but it is just a practise I carry on all fish. Don't get me wrong, landing a BIG fish on light gear is an accomplishment everyone can appriciate.
Lets just say, I don't go to Henry's with less than a 6 wt and Strawberry with less than a 5 weight. Sure you can land big fish with light gear if you play them, and longer you play, less likely the fish will survive.....I am C&R.