05-23-2012, 09:00 AM
We had high... very high hopes in this one. Andy and I love fishing deep and its that time again. We started off catching fish on plastics and jigs. We had a limit within 20 min of the tournament start. All day long we jumped from place to place picking up one here and there. We fished all the way from Booker T up to the 60 bridge. Around 12:00 we had culled 7-8 times but only by ounces. We had somewhere around 15 pounds then things got slow for us. We had two 2.5# fish that we needed to get rid of. With about fourty five minutes left Andy set the hook and he knew it was big. All he could say was, "if this is a bass it's a monster". A few seconds into the fight he said, "its a bass and its coming up!!!" This thing jumped and we started flipping out. Andy took his time and got it to the boat where it decided to dog him under the boat. As soon as Andy got it to the surface I netted it quick and we went crazy!!!!!!!!!!. I had never seen one that big in person and it was the biggest Andy has ever caught in a tounament. We ended up in third place, won big fish with 9.18# and got Tow boat US money. Andy will have to give you his perspective since I was only the net man. Thanks for everyone in the CBA for the great job that you guys do. We are looking forward to the next one.