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Hi everyone,

Been a lurker here about 6 month and finally be a part of the club. I am from Utah county and love to spinfish. I've been hitting UL and Jordan river for walleye and white bass lately.

Happy fishing everyone
welcome to the site redbag, the jordan offers some of the most diverse fishing in SLC, i hit it like 3 times a week and im always pulling out fish that ive never expected. this year ive gotten

channels cat
White bass
carp and suckers, i just need a northern and a perch

Yes, you're right. The Jordan river is like a box of chocolate .....[fishon]
where do you mostly fish the jordan? i mostly do in slc but i hear its better by the pumphouse
I mostly fish by the pump house, people been having success pulling out walleyes and wb lately.
nice, nice would love some more of those, you ever fish the camp williams area, its pretty cool its concentrates real small and then splits into 2 smaller rivers, some big kittys down there, going sunday to get one for the catfish contest.

I have not fish there, not even sure how to get there. But good luck with your quest for the cats [cool]
[quote Redbag]Hi everyone,

Been a lurker here about 6 month and finally be a part of the club. I am from Utah county and love to spinfish. I've been hitting UL and Jordan river for walleye and white bass lately.

Happy fishing everyone

Welcome aboard to this beautiful website!
Welcome to the surface, Redbag [Smile] Thanks for introducing yourself, and we look forward to reading your reports and contributions. Best of luck fishing!