So I'm new to fishing the Jordan river and don't know any good spots... I'm in the Murray area so the closer the better but I don't mind a drive. Thanks!
Go to the pump house at saratoga springs. Its a big brown building, to get there you need to cross a bridge(on foot) and there is a path of smashed vegtation and try to get close to the pump as possible. I went there yeseterdy and a nice channel catfish.
try under the bridge and the hole before the bridge at 7800 in salt lake, some big kittys and a few eyes there, also i hit the jordan 3 to 4 times a week and i usually have the best fishing between 5400 south and 9000 s, i know thats a big area but ive caught every species in that stretcg except northerns and perch. hope this helps any more specific details just PM me.
Thanks guys... Jazzperch, any chance you would want some company on a day you go out?
hey im always open to go fishing with new people, this sunday me and my buddy todd are going to go to camp williams on the jordan to my secret catfishing spot, plenty of 10 pounders and a few more bigger than that plus the river splits and all the fish get concentrated into these small holes and usually it can be easy pickins, plus theres quite a few gills and eyes as well hopefully they want to play sunday.
PM me if interested,