Headed to fish lake this weekend. Were are the perch this time of year. What are some recommended baits for the Mac's, Which area of the lake seems to be the best for Mac's . I tried last year same time of year and all we caught were splake. I hope the dreaded W dont blow like a hurricane up their. Any info I would appreciate. Thanks to all.
1. Where are the perch: in the weeds.
2. Bait for lake trout: rainbow trout. Too bad you can't use them for bait
3. Best area for lake trout: in the open water
4. all you caught were splake: if they're biting, why not?
5. Wind.
Yikes. It's not a hurricane you need to worry about. Take some snow clothes.
27 mph winds. Rain/snow. 40 degree high. This is going to be a fun weekend for camping.
Really thanks for the common sense knowledge. What i was planning on was the N. E. W. S. side ine the weeds for perch. I understand if nobody knows how to catch lakers on this site at fish lake . Maybe if you think you do come on up this weekend their is a free ride in my 22' Sun Tracker Fishing barge that will still fish under the snow but not so much the wind. So I dare you.
[quote danielc]Really thanks for the common sense knowledge. [/quote]
If you ask a stupid question, you should expect a stupid answer.
If you think thats a sutpid question you must know everything about that lake so again I dare you to come on down. Txt me 801-369-7051
I'm trying to understand your dare. Are you daring me because you want someone that knows what they are doing?
Or are you daring me because you want to challenge my knowledge?
Look, you asked a couple silly questions:
1. Where to find the perch? Perch are perch. It doesn't matter what lake they are in -- you will find them close to cover. Weeds. That's where they'll be.
2. Which area of the lake is best for lake trout? The open water. They like the deep water. They don't like the shallow weedy areas. They feed primarily on rainbow trout. So, fish the open water areas.
3. Wind. You hope it doesn't blow. Weather forecasts are currently predicting 33 mph winds for Fish Lake tomorrow.
There you have it.
sorry -- I won't be joining you. Attempting to fish for lake trout at Fish Lake in 33 mph winds and snow coming down sideways just doesn't sound enjoyable to me. You have fun on your party barge. I hope you make it back to the marina.
(FWIW -- I saw a 40" lake trout that was taken last week trolling...)
pbh I also thought that your reply was a bit jurkish. Then a lot of your comments seem to be that way. Does this make you a better fisher man?
I've asked much simpler questions here in the past and I'm sure glad no one took offense. People come here to learn from other anglers.
[quote cdbrc]pbh I also thought that your reply was a bit jurkish. [/quote]
[quote BigEZ]I've asked much simpler questions here in the past and I'm sure glad no one took offense. [/quote]
Yet -- I'm the ONLY person that has responded to his question (in this thread) with any info at all!
The most important answer to his inquiry was this:
33 mph winds predicted for Saturday.
He's not going to be out in his boat anyway -- so the rest of his inquiry is pointless.
We all want to know where the big ones are and how to catch them. If it were as simple as saying "go to this spot and use this lure", then wouldn't all of us have the big fish to show?
If dan want's perch, he needs to fish close to the weeds. If he wants the chance at a larger lake trout, then he needs to move out to deeper open water. It's a simple concept.
Regardless of whether I am a jerk or not, I gave him the info that he asked for.
I am challenging you because you say you know how to catch them. Fish in the weeds for the perch, well the weed bed covers the entire shore line around the whole lake. I will be their until Tuesday so come on down and i will decide if you are a jerk or not. I did get a pm from someone on here that tells me some info on where and what so thats a start thanks to you buddy. Thanks for nothing PBH. I am kind of a local down their so quit being a smart A$$ bud.
its almost like why even comment at all, fish can be in differnt areas at different times and maybe certain things are fishing better than others, he didnt need an answer to what everyone knows already, keep it to your self.
[quote danielc]I am challenging you because you say you know how to catch them.[/quote]
I didn't say that.
[quote danielc]Fish in the weeds for the perch, well the weed bed covers the entire shore line around the whole lake. [/quote]
Yep. Out to about 25-30' deep. And the perch will be there -- all the way around the entire lake. If it's perch you want, simply target the weeds. the weedline. a hole in the weeds. Whatever. If there are weeds around, there will also be perch. You won't have a problem finding perch. You should also be able to find the splake too.
[quote danielc] I am kind of a local down their so quit being a smart A$$ bud.[/quote]
oops. Sorry. I didn't realize that you were kind of a local down there. I should be more careful. I understand those locals have short fuses.
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday look to be great days. You should be able to get out and do some trolling or jigging - whichever you locals like to do. I understand that locals will typically troll with flashers and dead chubs this time of year for the big fish. I guess they also like to jig outside the weedline. But, you're the local, so you should be telling me. If they don't have any dead chubs, they'll usually catch a couple perch and cut them into pieces to tip their tube jigs, kastmasters, etc. with. Is that so? I hear that the locals will also move to a new spot if their current spot isn't producing fish. 100 yards in either direction, along the weedbed good enough?
heck -- I'm feeling nice. Here, use these coordinates -- one of my favorite spots to fish at Fish Lake:
if that spot doesn't produce, then try "The Cheese Hole"
See -- you guys already knew all the answers before you even posted the questions! And you found out that I'm a pretty nice guy too!
+1 PBH bent over backwards to provide information, even if it wasn't sugar coated.[

I think fish move around too much for "spots". A good spot is a barren one week later (depending on time of year and species of course)
I thought all of the locals already knew exactly what PBH told you. The perch are near the weeds. ANYWHERE there are weeds. The macs would starve if they couldn't eat rainbows because the perch and the weeds have combined to eliminate most of the chubs. That leaves the perch, which are tough for the macs to get at, or rainbows. And the macs like deep water. That isn't news. And it almost never changes. I thought the locals knew about the "cheese hole" too.
When you get tired of reading all these smart assed replies Dan don't forget if time permits to try trolling a perch imitating lure along the weed beds from Joe Bush to the Lodge to catch Tiger Musky. They are in there and youcan catch one up to 15+ lbs. They are in there... trust me.
You're a local and not trolling Davis Plugs on copper line from a paddle board? Wow. You must be a new local
Quote: I understand if nobody knows how to catch lakers on this site at fish lake .
If you dare put a boat on the lake in those conditions, troll leadcore or longline with something that looks like a 6" to 12" fish and hang on. When the wind blows the surface gets messy with dead milfoil. As far as NESW your guess is as good as mine. The lake is a muddy a circle lined with weeds.....
Chris - how's fishing been? Haven't seen any reports from you lately...
Dan -- how about a report on your weekend? Wind blew like crazy up at Panguitch -- but that didn't keep me from having a blast on the river.
Saw a 40" laker taken last week trolling in front of Bowery.
Did about 4 hours trolling tried lead line big flatfish, Tried down rig 30 to 40 feet down tried flat fish big spoons tried big rain bow rapala tried big perch imitating lures nothing trolling. Went to the weed line opposite the lodge caught some perch with jigs tipped with worm. Then tried some bigger jigs tipped with perch and caught a ton of splake. Tried jigging in 92 ft of water with big jigs tipped with perch I caught what seemed to look like a rainbow but not sure it got off at the boat. I even caught a nice ice pole with my anchor tons of fun. Being the local that I am this it the second time i have had a boat out on the lake so i have a lot of learning to do.
[quote PBH]Chris - how's fishing been? Haven't seen any reports from you lately...[/quote]
You crack me up. What was the final verdict?