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Full Version: Washington Lake starving rainbow bonanza + bonus
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Loooooong time lurker, first time poster. I have been out of the state for a couple of years in southern NM working on a master's degree and I haven't fished much. I love to come back home this time of year to fish iceout in the high country and I was elated that the high Uintas were accessible. Took the wife and son for a trip to Washington Lake, wanted to hike somewhere else, but I am not acclimatized to this cold spring weather [frown]. Fishing was very fast, I couldn't fish for myself because I was constantly baiting hooks and removing fish, they love the worms, mostly skinny holdover rainbows and the odd brookie. After about 45 minutes of this, I spotted a strange fish cruising and immediately recognized to forked tail and fin, a grayling. I spent the next hour attempting to get a fly to it without hooking a rainbow or brookie, in the the process my wife and son got cold and went the the car. I did finally get it, and the wife had the camera [frown]. There were others in mixed in with the trout, so if anyone wants a chance at a grayling without the hike, they are in the inlet of Washington Lake. Also hit the upper Provo, running a little high, see video. Overall a chilly but good trip, most lakes are nearly ice free.
Great post and cool pictures! Congrats on the masters and my hat is off to you and your wife for showing your son the outdoors! Fun and memorable trip plus bonus grayling...sweeeeet!
Nice job man! Grayling still on my list! Way to get the kid some too.
Congrats! We hit Washington last year and fished from the shore in between head winds (fly Fishing) Look up the Gun Slinger fly... Four casts. First, a brookie
[Image: IMG_1630-1.jpg]
Second, a Tiger
[Image: Tiger1-1-1.jpg]
Third a Rainbow
[Image: IMG_1632-1.jpg]
Fourth a Grayling
[Image: Gayling1-1.jpg]
There was a couple more rainbows and brookies then an Albino
[Image: P7260018400.jpg]

Killer fly!