Hit the bear last night for a couple of hours did ok. Real windy which was ok no BUGS action was fast. Got maybe 10 biggest being eight pounds next a five pounder with a bunch of 2 pounders 1 carp. Need to remember my net lost some bigger ones at the shore.
Very nice kitty action.
This has got to be the windiest spring I can recall. Glad it didn't stop you!
I know right. Winds not bad out there keeps the bugs away my brother goes during the day just way to hot for me being insulated and all he says that its way better during the day.
[#500000]Nice Kitties ........ Wait, ........ You and the brother must be on the Northern side in the BFT catfish contest; Right?[/#500000]
[#500000]Did someone ever decide where the Mason/Dixon line is for the North versus the South.[/#500000]
And I thought night was when the really big ones come out? I find 'em when it's warm and sunny some, but it's been so cool lately - and windy!
Too bad they're not entries for the Catfish Challenge!
Mind if I ask - what counts as lower Bear? Down by the refuge?
Ya we are west of I15 I would rather fish the evening I catch big ones during the day
Looks like fun. Those are some nice cats!
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/forum/Utah_Fishing_Forum_C55/gforum.cgi?post=743379;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"]UTAH CATFISH CHALLENGE[/url]
Drew a line in the sand - basically - SLC. Not exactly 'middle' of the state, so yeah - the north has the deck stacked against it. Uphill battle is all.
Contest is open, just PM me if you're interested.
So far no entries. So get out your measuring tapes and your secret bait, and lets get it on!
The more the merrier. I started a post of "results" - but if you're entered, just start your own post-thread on the CONTEST board.
From all the bragging about who was going to catch the most, North or South, it sure shows that some folks are all talk and no action, sure is a shame[frown]. Hopefully the guys are waiting for Payday[:/].
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/community/community.cgi?do=user_page;pg=user_profile_view.html;username=heavycod"]heavycod[/url]- way to go on some nice cats.
Those are some nice fish..
I think I need to find a new fishing instructor or send this one back to school..
Thanks for the pics it keeps me dreamin..
Fish On
Anywhere on the bear with some shrimp or chicken liver you don't need to dream.