where did you put yours bft sticker I put mine on my work truck
How do I get a sticker?
On both sides of my boat and the back of my outboard.
Hey Tyler, pm me your name, and address and I'll send you some.
Back window of my truck and my rod rack on my float tube.
Nice truck too
On the sides of my ice fishing sled.
I've wanted to get my hands on a few of the stickers, just haven't figured out where to get them. I saw a small pickup with one on the rear window on the way home from work last week. The wife suggested I slow down and not try to wave to the guy because it would be embarrassing. [

For some reason my computer doesn't want to reply to this post, this is my forth attempt, it must be the picture for some reason so it's on the back of my boat and it's also on my ice tote... Hey how about Willard on Monday with your Dad and Zack? Later J
I had one that I held on to for a couple years because I couldn't commit to a home for it. I ended up giving it to my father inlaw as part of a gift. He was stoked!! I don't regret giving it to him but wish I had another.[frown]
I was gonna suggest you folks join the Catfish tourney - chances are good you'll win a sticker there!
Bow of my boat, and put one on my ice-tub.
[inline C1.NoonishLaunch.jpg]
Don't forget the Flags!
[inline CJ5.CarpindaBag.jpg]
hey man you live in eagle mt right. Hit me up we can meet somewhere I have one you can have
I put mine on my tackle box
Hey Yote I thought I signed up yesterday but I haven't seen a reply yet? Am I in or did I do something wrong? Put me on the north's side. Later J
Sorry all, I just gave out the last stickers I had.
I have one on the back of my pontoon seat, as well as one slapped on my trolling motor battery. I have embraced nerdiness.
Truck, boat, vest, and tackle box!
where can I get one??
Placed it on my wifes rear end , BFT "big fat tushy"[

Hope she dosen't see this post. But seriously i don't have one. I would like to get one for the boat and one for the ice fishing sled.
You should have ask me this winter when we meet at Rockport. My supply is running low but if you send me your mailing address in a PM, I will send some off to you or anyone else that needs them, until I run out.