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Just curious guys and gals - any predictions (be realistic) on what the biggest fish will be in this contest? Just in length, because weight isn't a factor. I have seen some pretty big cats over the last few years here, but I can't remember if any lengths were mentioned or not.
6 1/2 footer, cutler marsh,
I'm thinking 35" takes "Big Fish" honors this year, and it'll come out of Utah Lake or The Jordan.
I'm goin with 32" up north, and 33" down here.
I'm guessing 33 inchs for the south, I'm not going to say what the north is because south is going to win no matter what
In my experience - a fifteen incher is usually about 2lb, while a 24 incher might be 5#s. Seen claims of 15-20# catfish, so I'd guess they're up on that 30+ range.

Just gotta make sure it comes from the North!!!
my outlook on this is that i suspect the north and the south to atleast get a 30 incher now it all depends on who gets lucky and gets the beast cat to bite and let alone land it, cause i know there are huge cats in both areas but dont know how many big ones on average are in each area. if i dont get a 30 incher ill be bummed cause it can be done but it takes patience and a little luck.

Im thinking south will get a 36" and it wont be me if i keep fishing else where Any body going to Strawberry for the rainbow rush?
im in the same boat as you, ive been wanting to fish strawberry alot this year but havnt and ive been wanting to fish more for kitties on the jordan but the weeb has been to good to me this year to leave alone.
if i get a chance to hit strawberry i will, maybe monday?

Over 33" on the bear ... we catch fish over 32" yearly up here ... 12-15#s common up here [cool]
I'm guessin' 34 inches and it it will come from Utah Lake. Wouldn't want to put any serious money on it though cuz I've seen some pretty impressive pics posted by you northern boys. I'm sure you guys must cheat somehow[Wink].

Let it begin. This lousy weather has me cabin bound. Come Tuesday of next week it's serious time.

Good luck to all but especially the south.
33+ Utah lake. If anyone catches a 36+ fish either side that will be extremely impressive. I know they swim the lake probably several hundred but catching them is tough with the amount of 24-28 inchers.
[#500000]In-as-much as you are a Bama Boy, you should be familiar with noodling ......... Get that speedo out and get down there in the Bear River, where they live.[/#500000]
[#500000]Maybe it's just the flatheads that go into the holes?[/#500000]
I'm just curious, I have heard of big cats coming out of Flaming Gorge but I have not heard of it being mentioned once. Is Flaming Gorge not even considered a big cat water. I have never fished the Gorge for cats but have heard rumors in the past that it holds some big fish what do you think about this?
If it was legal, I would!
I have no idea. I haven't been in Utah long enough to know anything about the Gorge. I worked up there last summer, but never got to fish it.
[#500000]Big cats have been caught in some of the contests on the gorge, but mostly in Wyoming water ........ I guess that wouldn't count?[/#500000]
[#500000]Maybe spearfishing in the gorge?[/#500000]
No noodling, no jugging, no set-lining, no Wyoming - sorry. Maybe next year! Get out your rods.

As for predictions - [url ""]I ran across this[/url] - might be a couple years ago - doesn't say where the fish is from, but I know where these folks usually fish.
How's one over 40" sound?

The other thing I found helpful - [url ""]THIS LINK[/url] to the Catch Recors, and the C&R forms.

The teams are beefing up, and the players are looking good. Only thing we need is ENTRIES! Get out there and get catching them croakers!!!
If someone gets a channel over 34" and releases it, he/she can find themselves in the record books. Not a bad deal.
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