I haven't seen any discussion on this board about the Hyrum fishing challenge, but there was an article about it in the local paper today. The prizes don't appear to be huge, but if you are going fishing anyway, look for a tag on any trout you might catch at Hyrum.
This link is to a PDF with contest rules and description.
Saw this in the paper. Initially, I think this is a good idea. It gets kids more involved with fishing, makes it a little more fun, etc etc.
My only concern is that now, I can see the shores even more trashed. People just don't pick up their liter at Hyrum (for whatever the reason), and I think now with this contest being broadcast in the papers and online, it has the potential to wreck havoc on the environment.
Let's hope this isn't the case, and people will indeed be responsible and pack out what they bring in.
Agreed Lavaman.
Too bad they can't, or don't, require any potential participants to bring in a bag of shoreline garbage to claim a prize or even to participate.
As a kid I used to hunt lost balls down in the creek. To be allowed to do so, the course would require you have a ball permit, which was usually obtained by doing some simple chore at the clubhouse first.
Nice idea, but I don't see it happening. I guess it will still be up to the conscientious users of the lake to clean up other people's messes yet again.
Haven't been over to Hyrum since ice off, but from what we gathered when over at Newton - the DNR fellers were pretty hopping busy over at Hyrum.
When it gets to a point ya gotta line up for the launch ramp, I'd almost rather go elsewhere. Sadly . . .
Though I'd like to go hit it, and see if I cain't figur out where all them perch's gone!
Hope the tagged fish survived the introduction..