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Full Version: Big browns can sure do a number on your finger.
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Caught a very nice brown today and it decided to thrash about when I was getting the fly out of its mouth. It left two very good gashes in my middle finger. The fish was about 21" long and is one of the biggest trout I've ever caught. It's also the biggest non-carp fish I've ever caught on a fly rod. It was great!

I caught it on a size 18 caddis pupa under an elk hair caddis.

I also caught my first cutty of the year. It was only about 10" but it hit a dry fly and tried to land in a tree. At least that's what it looked like when it hit the fly and just kept going up about 2 feet.

'twas a good day.

Very nice job with the brown on the fly! I have gotten some pretty good cuts in my hands from walleyes there whole body's sharp!!
White bass, as much as I love to catch (and eat, mmmmm. tasty!) them have been the bane of my existence in terms of cuts, scratches, and the occasional puncture wounds. I got one cut from the gill plate on a small WB that probably should have gotten stitches, but I had a full day of fishing scheduled and I didn't want to interrupt that. [shocked]

That's one reason that trout are good for teaching little kids to fish. They're less likely to be impaled, skewered, or sliced-open from slimers than from most warm-water fish.

+1 on the white bass having some nasty spines. Just last week my 4 year old boy was reeling in his first fish on his own. Just as he brings it to shore, it spits the hook in about 2 inches of water. I wasn't about to let my boy's first fish get away, so I smashed my hand down to pin the fish. I ended up getting pinned...right through the palm of my hand. I was shocked at just how badly that bled. I didn't think I was ever going to get it to stop. In hindsight, I probably should have let it go. It's not like whities are an elusive species.[pirate]