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Full Version: Bigger Baits = A Bigger Fish @ Bells
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The storms cleared out enough around 4pm today to make an attempt for Bells Canyon Reservoir. I was about to leave the house when I encountered the big problem...where did that fish licence go? I had it on the Weber for heavens sake! After 1 whole hour of checking every nook and cranny I never found off to the local fish shop I went to buy a $10 replacement [Image: icon_cussing.gif]

So after having some friendly conversation with the local fish shop folks I made it to the 6pm! So I huff and I puffed, racing to get up there as fast as I could. Encountered plenty of mud puddles along the way....but I did see plenty of wildflowers out and about.
[Image: 791822.JPG]
[Image: 791823.JPG]

Almost got ran over by some trail runners, and got to the lake in one piece.
I did get a nice view of Mt Olympus while trying to stay out of the way.
[Image: 791825.JPG]

Oh man was it windy on the lake! I have been there when it was windy in the past....but not this windy! There were gusts that literally sent a sheet of water into the air. That small pond was actually white capping...I coulda windsurfed the place!

BFT's Starkinkade2 was busy fishing the other side while I focaused on some deeper water with some BIG rapalas. Never got a bite in the deep area. As I walked over to there area they bailed....probley too cold for em[Image: icon_chicken.gif] . So I threw my CD 9 Rapala....looking for some bigger cutts...Sure on the fly I could have nailed plenty of smaller cutts...but I wanted some BIGGER fish. With the sunlight deminishing I knew time was closing in.
[Image: 791826.JPG]

Sticking to the big guns....the CD 9 Rainbow Rapala.... I threw plenty of casts. Then I got what felt like a snag. So I set the hook and on! The fish went left, right, left, right...doing anything it could to avoid a close up. I set the drag tighter....and heard the noise of line about to snap, so I set it loose again. The fish began to work for cover so I fought it...and got it to shore. Busted out the measuring tape.....only 19.25 inches but FAT. Hard to believe with how hard it fought...but the tape don't lie. I put the toothy cutt back into the water and he shot off like a bullet to the lake.

The 19.25 inch Cutthroat Trout
[Image: 791827.JPG]

Same cutt with some extra "artistic" value added.
[Image: 791828.JPG]

Wanting some bigger fish I stuck to the big Rapala....which got no love. Oh well it was worth getting one close to 20in fish compared to a bunch of "dinkers". On the way down I ran into some deer very close to the trail. Of interest I was greeted with a hole in the sky on the way down.
[Image: 791829.JPG]

Overall it was nice to find a nice sized Cutthroat Trout.
Nice pics! And good job on that nice cutty man!
haha nothing is too cold!! haha just kidding. I wish I would've taken pics of mine!