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This is kinda last minute, as I just got the green light from the general to go fishing in the morning. Has anyone been up to Deer Creek latley? I will be taking my 2 young boys and fishing from the shore. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance!!
Been so windy and cool that the warm water bite has really slowed. The dropping water levels has also messed up the bass bite. If you're after some planters I'd stick around Walsburg and toss some powerbait. Seems like you can get out of the wind there and there's plenty of area for the kids.
Thanks buddy, I will probaly be going for the planters. I appreciate the advice thanks.
[quote RapalaUt]Been so windy and cool that the warm water bite has really slowed. The dropping water levels has also messed up the bass bite. If you're after some planters I'd stick around Walsburg and toss some powerbait. Seems like you can get out of the wind there and there's plenty of area for the kids.[/quote]

There was a report on this local utah website I stumbled across but I already deleted my history. Sorry man.