05-28-2012, 09:00 AM
We started off fishing in deep water. emoRolleyes Unfortunatly, we did not get a bite, emoDoh We moved to a flat around 9:00 am and caught a lot of small fish. emoDance But Danny was persistant about fishing deep so around 11:00 we went to deep water, again. However we did catch some as the day got hotter. We just did not catch any big fish. Our biggest fish weighed around 3 lbs. emoFish <br /><br />We used worms, lizards, and bushhogs in a variety of colors<br />.<br />Now, I need to tell my hubby congrats on his win yesterday. Bob fished with his Uncle Jeff Hawkins and they did great. emoBawl emoBawl <br /><br />