[cool][#0000ff]One of the things we all picked up at the DWR open house meeting last week was a new foldup map and info brochure on Utah Lake. It contains 25 numbered spots around the lake with access to the public...and directions on how to find them and what to do when you get there. Should be available most places you can pick up a license and a copy of the regulations.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you can't locate a copy yet, you can access it online at:[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][url "http://wildlife.utah.gov/utah_lake_access/"]http://wildlife.utah.gov/utah_lake_access/[/url] [/#0000ff]
+3. Thanks td. Easily accessed with my android device, for on the go fishing. Has directions to places I never knew about, even has gps coordinates so I can plug it in to my navigator and be on my way.
[cool][#0000ff]You're welcome. No extra charge.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I saw the mockup of their early design last year. Very pleased with the final result. Should really be a great help to a lot of people.[/#0000ff]
TD, how many of these have you been to?
My toon is too heavy to pack in very far so I like to back right up to the water to unload. I'm curious how many of these would be realistic launch sites for my toon.
I might have to just drive around and get to know them. [

great info TD thanx

[cool][#0000ff]I have hit most of the access spots around Utah Lake and almost all of them offer drive up and drop in launching for tubes and toons. But we all have our own perspectives.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My suggestion is to take a non-fishing day when the weather is nasty and there is no potential for interference with fishing...and do a complete drive around the lake. I have done that several times, always looking for something new. Take a map and a note pad and make your own personal rating system. Then, as you learn the lake better you will find that some spots treat you better than others and you will develop favorites.[/#0000ff]
Great info, thanks for posting it!