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Full Version: Got Lost at the Creek....
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After meeting up with JLG78 on Saturday at the Ogden. Flows were high, so we decided it best to jump into some stillwater fishing seeing if we would have some better luck and get a tug on the other end of the line. I put in after 7:15 starting with a brown bugger and a chironomid with intermediate sink line in one hand. Good ol TD special in the other (white spoon w/white jig head & worn) The TD special was the first to it, the boooger followed by about 10 minutes. And that was all I could manage the rest of the day on the fly rod. Kept throwing it for about the next two hours while the TD special was staying consistent. Fish every 10 minutes or so. I think if I would've had a white bugger I would've been in business with the fly rod. There was a few fellers farther up the cove that were catching them as consistent as the TD special was for me. Just didn't have the right color. I putted around ranging from 20' to 50'. Anything 30' and deeper produced fish. Though most were suspended anywhere from 15', all the way to the bottom. Gotta say, good thing about that spoon and tube jig, something comes across the finder, it only takes about 3 seconds to get it in front of their face and WHAM! It's fish on! Just can't do that with a fly rod. I got a LOT to learn with the deep nymphing. But for now, Thanks TD! Big Grin Enjoy the pics!

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You could have done just as well with the fly rod, if you would have had the correct line. Your intermediate line will only fish effectively to about 15'.
You said the fish were at 30'.
You needed a type 5 or 6 line to get down to the fish.
I had this happen to me at LC a few years ago. I was catching a few smaller Bows and watched a boat go by me and my toon several times, with a fish on.
I asked them at what depth they were fishing and they said 25'.
I was using a type 2 full sink line. I went to shore and got my type 5 line. From then on, it was fish on.

Moral is have a couple of options on sinking line with you. It may be the difference3 between a lot of fish and a few fish.
How did JLG do?

Nice work on the fishy's. Never been to LC before.
Jay and his wife for the skunk from shore. I told him he needs to buy his wife a toon or tube now.

That was my first time fishing LC actually. That drive in SUCKS though. And the slot.
My plan was to get her setup on shore and bust out the tube. The fish were not cooperating with my plans... So as they say " when mamas not happy no one is". We tried several spots and everything we could think of. It was was an extremely frustrating day....
Stuck the 6 horse on the drifter, had my Dad, couple neices and my bro in law in the boat .
little crowded but had fun. The girls had never fished from a boat and did well lots of Rainbows. my 1 neice Caught her 1st fish and schooled the rest of us I think she had 6-7 total. I was usin big jigs tiped with p/b and caught a couple of NICE cutty's that way. My first time there also but will definately go again. Had the finder and marked alot at the 20 to 30 ft. Range. anchor and send it down, and they were hittin realy did'nt mater what we used. By the way LOVED the Rainbows on the jig. They would head strait for the surface, had one launch at least 10-12 ft. right next to the boat. GOOD TIMES.
That's really funny you mention the fish going straight to the top. I lost about 5 fish due to that reason! It was hilarious to say the least. Set the hook and feel the fish biting on the other end. Keep reeling in and all the fight in gone, a second later the fish is jumping at the surface! I was laughing my ass off on some of them! They deserved to be let free! Wish I could've got it on film! Glad to know I wasn't the only one! I thought it had to be something to do with the ice fishing gear I was using! Big Grin
[quote DKStroutfitter]You could have done just as well with the fly rod, if you would have had the correct line. Your intermediate line will only fish effectively to about 15'.
You said the fish were at 30'.
You needed a type 5 or 6 line to get down to the fish.
I had this happen to me at LC a few years ago. I was catching a few smaller Bows and watched a boat go by me and my toon several times, with a fish on.
I asked them at what depth they were fishing and they said 25'.
I was using a type 2 full sink line. I went to shore and got my type 5 line. From then on, it was fish on.

Moral is have a couple of options on sinking line with you. It may be the difference3 between a lot of fish and a few fish.[/quote]

Type 5 or 6? That is summer line![Wink] All line will hit the bottom, just some longer than others. If that is all you have, count down.
I have a Type 4 and 5 and they are almost brand new, meaning I think I have used them once. Type 2 and 3 are gold to me. Weedy bottom go with a Wet Cell, all others Density Compensated.
Also, pull more line out while kicking backwards or motoring. I cast as far as I can and pull line out. Generally I have around 70' of line out. Farther away, the less you scare the fish.
If you are only casting 30' of line then I agree totally with fast sinking/higher number line. I actually use a Type 7 in that case.

Of course, a floating line with a slip indicator and 30' or mono or fluoro for a sort of leader would have been awesome.

Great looking trout, thanks so much for sharing.
That's basically what I was doing. I stripped the line all the way out to the backing pretty much, got it all straight behind the tube. Messed with the spinning stuff for a bit, while the fly rod sunk to the bottom. It eventually got there. That's actually where I picked the one up was on the bottom so. I could get it there, it was just not the right color that day or my technique sucks! Guessing more so the second part! lol First time out with a fly rod on stillwater, I ain't complaining. It can only get better from here so. I'll have to try the floating line and mono next time I'm out. I left the floating line in the truck hoping the sinking line would be the ticket. OH WELL!!! There's always next time!