05-29-2012, 12:08 AM
After meeting up with JLG78 on Saturday at the Ogden. Flows were high, so we decided it best to jump into some stillwater fishing seeing if we would have some better luck and get a tug on the other end of the line. I put in after 7:15 starting with a brown bugger and a chironomid with intermediate sink line in one hand. Good ol TD special in the other (white spoon w/white jig head & worn) The TD special was the first to it, the boooger followed by about 10 minutes. And that was all I could manage the rest of the day on the fly rod. Kept throwing it for about the next two hours while the TD special was staying consistent. Fish every 10 minutes or so. I think if I would've had a white bugger I would've been in business with the fly rod. There was a few fellers farther up the cove that were catching them as consistent as the TD special was for me. Just didn't have the right color. I putted around ranging from 20' to 50'. Anything 30' and deeper produced fish. Though most were suspended anywhere from 15', all the way to the bottom. Gotta say, good thing about that spoon and tube jig, something comes across the finder, it only takes about 3 seconds to get it in front of their face and WHAM! It's fish on! Just can't do that with a fly rod. I got a LOT to learn with the deep nymphing. But for now, Thanks TD! Enjoy the pics!