Fishing Forum

Full Version: Brownlee 5/29/2012
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Put in at Spring Creek and fished spots all the way up past the cemetary. Lots of wood floating in the water.

Saw fish in 50 - 60 foot of water, but they wouldn't hit anything sent their way. Tried deep, shallow, and inbetween. I noticed the farther towards the dam I went the water was slowly getting warmer. By mid-day the water was showing 62 degrees in the shallows. I caught a few bass (one small mouth a little over 14", and a large mouth which was 13". The entire day caught 5 bass (the rest were dinkers..) Saw a few boats and they said they had only caught one or two crappie. Nobody in boats had caught any cats, but a few shore fishers had.

I had to pull into one cove to put out a fire that some idiot had left burning. The wind was blowing pretty good, and I could see smoke and flames in the abandoned fire pit. Took three big jugs of water to put it out. As if that wasn't bad enough, a little farther up the reservoir, another idiot had left smoldering coals in the wind, right next to the bank and sage brush.

Still far from decent fishing, and not worth the 70 bucks in gas...
Thanks Slayer. Your report is going to save me some money. I hope your next report is about your arm being tired from a 50 bass day. Cascade fished pretty well this weekend for perch if you are looking for an option.
Forgot to mention that the reservoir is pretty much full. It looked like it could come up another 8' or so.. My guess would be about two weeks to great fishing..
There pushing in a huge amount of water, I agree give it 2 weeks to stabilize and look out!!!