Hey guys and gals, my friend recently lost his 12 year old, white and brown, german short hair dog with a faded orange/red collar in the anvil draw area over the memorial weekend. If anybody has seen this dog please call 8018825791.
Thank you.
I am heading up Friday and will keep an eye out. Is there a name for this dog?
That's terrible news....I have a dog and the thing is like a kid to me....so sorry to hear about this. My friend lost a dog in the deserts of southern Utah and we found it 8 months later...that dog went from house pet to Bear Grylls in no time, so there is some hope even if it does not turn up this week. I wish, hope and pray the best for you and your dog.
Any name tags, id. tags, rabies tags, micro chips??? I hope so. 12 years old is worrisome.[frown] It makes me very
to have a dog owner that supposedly loves him/her like family but doesn't take the trouble to care for his well being w/o the aforementioned stuff. [mad] Hopefully, he's friendly and some one will take him in. [:/] That is a busy area.
I keep reading these kind of posts and this always what comes to mind. It just tears my heart out to hear this. Sorry for venting, hoping for the best with some I.D. on him.[frown][frown][frown][frown][frown]
his name is harley. Thanks you for keeping your eye out.
I will be on the lookout for sure. I will be fishing for bass and randomly shouting out Harley. Hope for success. I will have dog food ready. Fingers crossed!
Replying to bump this back to the front page. Hope your buddy finds his dog.
Heading up for the weekend in that area, Will keep an eye out.
You here? Where ya fishing in the morning? I will be in a red/white/black bass boat around anvil. What you in?
I have been there for the last nine days. We were told to look for the dog, every morning he would be seen in front of anvil on the main road. People would try to get him but he would take off running. I hope that they get him.
Dog found. Thanks for all your help. He is doing ok, but super exhausted.
Glad to here that he is ok.
It's scary just how fast they can be there one mintue and gone the next. Was hunting pine hens one afternoon and my lab just vanished. Looked for that damn dog for seven hours straight before we found him at almost sun up.