1) When you use more gas in your boat than your truck
2) When you are out on the water with your buddy and in the distance you see a funeral procession go by. You immediately take off you hat and stop casting until it passes. Your buddy looks at you in awe and says he is very impressed and says he has never seen you be so respectful. You respond by saying..."it was the least I could do, I was married to her for 35 years."
3) You know you spend to much time fishing when....you wake yourself up in the middle of the night from a hookset.
4) the boat ramp is empty when you arrive and empty when you leave
5) your mouth starts watering when you are tying a knot in your fishing line in anticipation of wetting the line.
6) you spend an hour and a half in the fishing pole section at your favorite sport shop, looking for the exact weight, length, backbone, etc...
(that you HAVE to have
) you are overjoyed when you finally find it and purchase it. you drive home, open the garage door and find the exact same pole leaning in the corner
7) when you justify buying tackle to your wife by comparing her shoe collection to your lure collection!
8) Too much time fishing!!! psssh please!!!
lets here your responses to [fishin]
You know you spend to much fishing when:?
![[Image: bobwink.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/bobwink.gif)
You develop a severe case of tennis elbow from ripping so many lips. [

9) When you have a dozen worms in your refrigerator at all times!
In my case that's 3 dozen...
You fish until bedtime then sleep on your boat just to be the first on the water!
Smiles Always!
You come home from a fishing trip, and your spouse says "Who are you, and what are you doing in my house???"
You send your kid off to the first day of school with his shoes tied in a palomar knot.
you haven't been able to use hand sanitizer without wincing from the cuts in 5 years.
your girlfriend buys you powerbait as a gift ( actually happened today

Is it wrong to dream that you're fishing? I like that getting woke up by a hookset one! I dreamt I was fishing in our living room once, bobbers dove RIGHT down through the hardwood!
Now is the question - do you spend too much TIME or too much MONEY fishing?
You know it's too much money when Cabelas sends you there annual hardbound catalog of all catalogs.
[font "Calibri"]When you open your birthday card and it has two $100 bills in it and says “Have fun fishing”. Or when the rest of the extended family ask Sportsmens or Cabelas gift card for your b-day this year????[/font]
I resemble that remark. Fortunately my spouse loves me unconditionally. Apparently I'm pretty hard to shop for, but the gift card to Sportsman's always goes over well!! [cool]
[quote FISHINMA]In my case that's 3 dozen...
You fish until bedtime then sleep on your boat just to be the first on the water!
Smiles Always!
I have got some shut eye on the boat a couple of times....it is the ULTIMATE waterbed!
When your trying to figure out a way to get out of going to your daughters high school graduation so you can hit the lake.
[quote CoyoteSpinner]Is it wrong to dream that you're fishing?
Absoultely not....I have had many dreams where I hook into fish that I have never caught before (walleye, artic grayling, ect..) and when I first wake up there is about 5 seconds where I have to really concentrate to come back into reality....because I think to myself...finally I got one!
Once I was dreaming while fishing. Got back from the gorge at 3am and got to PV around 8am. I tied my pontoon to a tree sticking out of the water, line in the water of course, and fell as asleep. Thank god for rod holders. I knew I fell asleep because when I woke up I wondered, "where the hell am I and what am I doing here".
And nope...I did not get a fish[frown]. Thankfully a jet skier did not find me....he probley would have splashed me, or worse yet hit me. At PV...the power squadron scares the hell out of me.
Oh and when you name your only son Fisher.
10) When you spend hours at the fish shop, even though you just need one item.
11) When you dream about fishing.
12) When you get bugged at your buddies beacuse they don't want to stay out longer, in my case till dark.
13) When you start making your own gear.
14) When you tackle box is never complete nor big enough for your gear.
15) When you start combining fishing with your other favorite hobbies.
16) When you start texting over 30 people to see if they can get out fishing with you (in our case it is 44 now).
17) When you fish as much as you possibly can..even for just an hour.
18) When you collect all your coins, just to buy more fishing gear.
19) MY FAVORITE......When you make sure your rod, reel, tackle box, fish license ect....is in the car no matter where you are headed...even when you are just going to the grocery store...because you might just have to get a couple of casts in!
[#800000]When you are driving somewhere else and your truck wants to turn down the dirt road toward the lake.[/#800000]
"Tennis" elbow is no joke! That actually happened to me last year. It took most of the winter to get back normal.
when you would rather go fishing and buy a ton of lures than hang out with your girlfriend or wife, unless she likes to fish then right on, cause that does not happen alot
When you start to smell so bad that even the bugs won't come within two feet of ya.
That you spend so much time at Sportsman's they put you behind the counter and you start selling reels(I've sold a few only rainy days).