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My wife & I hit the Backwaters Friday evening and brought home 3 "eyes" 12" 17" & 19" all on the fly a matuka. It was a beautifull eveing even had a double rainbow.[cool]

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Thanks for the report! You caught some good fish. Nice that you two were able to get out together. Sounds like the boat is working great for you.

How deep are you fishing for the walleyes?
Nice job man. Ron
congrats. We stayed closer to the end by the dam, and never got past the island. just fyi....wonder if the full moon caused my experience, and enhanced yours Smile

Nice fish.

The water was 5-8' deep so actually quite shallow. Of course the fly was on the bottom and there were some very hungry branches[:p][Wink] might need to walk the shore line latter.[fishin]
If you are refering to goose island I like that area for all 5 species.
very nice, i need too get over there, are hey catching them good? hows the perch?
Like I said the water temp is in the 60's and I have heard of some crappie and 10+" perch not sure on the numbers caught but that was 3 eyes in less than 2 hours so it should be good, but you know how things go with the catchin[Wink][fishin]

I hope I can join you when you come seems the weekends just get fuller and fuller.
Duck Slayer- Jig fished backwaters from my boat friday and caught every thing but crappie, perch up to 13" and quite a few of them. Landed 10 walleye but 18" was biggest and bass and trout tore me up.
Went back saturday with my pontoon tube and fly gear and still caught a bunch of perch, some crappie, walleye and trout.
Tried CJ for crappie today and it sucked, was like fishing in pea soup with all the algae.
I fished all over the lake for most of today. I tried everything. I caught some walleyes, but nothing worth mentioning. I pitched jigs and crankbaits along points which yielded just a few small eyes and perch. I also trolled cranks on both leadcore and mono. I couldn't keep the stupid trout off. Some of them were actually pretty big and engulfed the #5 shad raps I was using

I also got into some decent smallies, probably a dozen 14"-16".

I only talked to one boat at the ramp who had any luck on the eyes. Most of the others just caught trout. The lake was like glass and the water clear. I could see bottom down to 7-9 ft. I suspect the eyes would bite pretty decent early in the am and toward evening. I couldnt stay that long. [frown]
Great report guys, good to see it turning on. does anyone still catch kokes out of there ?