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As many of you know, I cruise UTOF. Many say that UTOF is a bunch of nice people. Maybe, but I gotta tell you... they got nothing on all ya'lls. Sure they will go after a newbie, who makes a stupid post or attacks a vet. And occasionally there is bickering between vets. Rancor and aggression are here, too. Only here it seems to be about opinion differences, rather than setting a newb straight on rules of engagement, or obvious Baggery [/size][/font]
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Just an observation, but there are issues everywhere.
[font "Times New Roman"]Be excellent to each other. And... PARTY ON, DUDES! - Bill and Ted[/font]
I too am on UTOF and ya some of those guys can be brutal but its all relative. I mod a few different forums, (eg: game sites & off road vehicles) and there always opinionated posts, regurgitated garbage and flamers. I blame anonymity of the internet mixed in with ego.
But after you filter through the garbage theres are allot great people on BFT and lots of great info.
[quote sinergy]
But after you filter through the garbage theres are allot great people on BFT and lots of great info.[/quote]
Like me! I'm pretty awesome, and, I am the most humble person I know!
Hey, I go to UOTF too... [cool]
We went through forum wars 7 years ago, no good came of it. If you are attacked here please let me know. Utah BFT fly fishing page is here to share information and to be an enjoyable place to chat.
Honestly- I browsed both sites before entering one. I chose this one because if I'm gonna get my "ass chewed" I'd rather it be by a bunch of carp/catfish catching, blue collar fishermen, than the high end/uppity comes out of an Orvis catalog asshole that thinks everything has to be done in sucha-and-such manner-
I believe I fish/tie flies to a UONTF stardard, but I can't stand the attitudes on their website. I'm completely self taught in both fly tying, on fishing (other than watching friends that are more talented in both)- some folks believe if you've nev er had a lesson, you can't do it right.....more UTOTF, than here.
I hope I don't, have never meant to sound degraging in any of my posts on here-ive only wanted to help TROUT fishermen/women in their pursuit. I DO NOT care about any other type of flyfishing, but IF that's what gets you wet-do it!
Oh, and honestly I don't really care for this site either...
Edit- because I said this I don't give a chit about this site, I feel I need to tell you why- when I joined this site, I posted a few pictures of some nice trout that we caught. I didn't think too much about the background, and then within a week or two, we fished rthe same section of river, and it was as if the "Bud Light Brigade" had been there....empty beer cans all over the place. Now I get it, "how can I trace the ton of empty beer cans to a picture I posted...well in 3 years of fishing that section before I posted a picture-zero beer cans, after pics posted, beer cans line it. UTOTF guys Wouldn't do that! BFT guys woud...you'll never see another pic of my fishing trips in utah!
[quote tageater]
Edit- because I said this I don't give a chit about this site, I feel I need to tell you why- when I joined this site, I posted a few pictures of some nice trout that we caught. I didn't think too much about the background, and then within a week or two, we fished rthe same section of river, and it was as if the "Bud Light Brigade" had been there....empty beer cans all over the place. Now I get it, "how can I trace the ton of empty beer cans to a picture I posted...well in 3 years of fishing that section before I posted a picture-zero beer cans, after pics posted, beer cans line it. UTOTF guys Wouldn't do that! BFT guys woud...you'll never see another pic of my fishing trips in utah![/quote]
[crazy][crazy][crazy] hmmmm, I somehow doubt that. Coinscidence is sometimes just that.....a coinsciendence.
Agreed, it could be coincident, but might not be. I do agree that UOTF people wouldn't...they don't drink BUD[laugh][laugh][laugh]
We have had the debate here before about trashers. Could be a coincident because I fly fish, but I really cannot see a fly fisher leaving trash...we don't/can't carry any, but that is another subject.
I will say, I too am self taught. I have taken classes, only to find out, I already know and do what I am suppose to.
If out on the field, I will share short cuts and get byers, but I prefer to share what I know on more longevity ideas. But, I am always in a learning mode.
iDO hav e to admit it could just be a coincident, but it is funny how it never happened in.3 years of my fishing that section, until I posted a few ppictures...now I feel guilty around my buddy(that showed me how to fish this section) because in the name of braggin' a bit, the word got out and now the trash is piling up along the river-
I guess it isn't fair to say it was someone from this site vs someone from that site, but I just have a gut feeling, and that's all it takes.
[quote tageater] the high end/uppity comes out of an Orvis catalog asshole [/quote]
Now thats funny especially considering the rest of your post making sound like your praising the blue collar BFTers then ripping them on them accusing them of trashing your hole LOL which one are you ? the Orvis asshole or the Budlight drinking BFTer ?
[quote tageater]
Oh, and honestly I don't really care for this site either...
Edit- because I said this I don't give a chit about this site, I feel I need to tell you why- when I joined this site, I posted a few pictures of some nice trout that we caught. I didn't think too much about the background, and then within a week or two, we fished rthe same section of river, and it was as if the "Bud Light Brigade" had been there....[/quote]
So you post up your hole on the INTERNET to thousands of people what did you think was going to happen ???
Did you not take 5 seconds to think hey if I post up these pictures on the INTERNET people might hot spot it .... Duh..... Dont blame BFT for your mistakes.
[quote tageater]
empty beer cans all over the place. Now I get it, "how can I trace the ton of empty beer cans to a picture I posted...well in 3 years of fishing that section before I posted a picture-zero beer cans, after pics posted, beer cans line it. UTOTF guys Wouldn't do that! BFT guys woud...you'll never see another pic of my fishing trips in utah![/quote]
PLAIN AND SIMPLE dont post anything up if you dont care for BFT .. how do they say in spanish ..
hasta maƱana
You are right Sin- I DIDN'T think...that's MY BAD- I posted pictures, I have to expect people will fish the area. I DON'T expect shitheads to trash the damn place.
Regurdless of what it was(beer cans or candy wrappers) it shouldn't happen- I'm one of the drunkest beer drinkers out there, and if I take a beer can with me, I bring it back.
And I'm not leaving this site- I still feel I can help folks without posting pictures of the catches we make-
[quote tageater]......and if I take a beer can with me, I bring it back.
On the middle weeb there are some big old monster truck tires and when I took a look they were nearly full of garbage...everything from beer cans to fishing supplies. On the signs to enter the area it says if you want to keep the area, keep it clean...guess they don't care, can't read or want to loose the place.
Everyday there are hundreds of 'guests' on here, and even hundreds more Interneters that use search sites to find fishing places. They may not even be regular BFTers. They are only on here to take what info they can, and they don't help anyone else out.
Unfortunately there is an element of "fishermen" everywhere that make a dump out of any place they visit, and it seems to be getting worse all the time. Just because some of them found your post on here doesn't mean it is BFTers. It only means that BFT Utah has a larger presence on the web that some other Utah sites. Posting always carries the danger of exposing a site to that type.
It doesn't mean you have to stop posting, or even stop posting pictures, just be careful about places that can't handle hundreds of extra anglers. Share the place or area information in PMs.
BFT is a helpful and fun place. I have learned a lot from all of you, and I enjoy hearing about places that I have never tried. I think we can still keep sharing info and techniques without blaming or trashing a place.
I know this post is getting off track but mischievous is up at Falcon's Ledge, so lets play....LOL
MAAAAN! I went to one of the little holes I have been hitting offf and on for Bass and Carp and it got TRASHED last weekend. Seriously, I was there last week and a little trash from the wind but today, a pile of Carona bottles, Bud cans, Rock Star cans , some kind of alcohol bottle, tennis shoes floating (which I manage to drag out).
BAIT fishermen, how do I know? worm containers a power bait bottle, tripped over a line tied to a can so pulled it up to find a big old treble hook, and I actually caught a Zebco outfit. To top it off, there is a cement structure next to the river, someone threw two carp in there. The smell is horrendous...what the H were they thinking?
This place is off the Jordan River parkway. People keep trashing it, we will lose the right to fish there...I just don't get this mentality.
You put something on the ground that wasn't there before...what does one think will happen to it?
I am majorly disappointed after seeing this
Eh, damned moderators - always getting in the middle of things. [:p]
Seems like this thread could use a little moderation - ya'll conservative flyfishers are pretty liberal with yer colorful metaphors!
As for trash - I think Cpierce is on it - it's the LURKERS!!! They're the trashbums!
In my time on BFT I have come to appreciate the need for candor and withholding of certain information on certain waters. You can always take a picture of a fish that does not reveal your location. And unless you're giving maps and GPS coordinates - a secluded section of river would be hard to identify, harder still to locate - if you didn't already know where you were looking.
You can always crop or photoshop.
Here's a fine example:
[inline "cancun bassin.jpg"]
Also - be aware - once you post it, others might download it and could even repost it!
I know they are not my cans cause I leave Coore's light bottles[pirate]
Coors Light......yuk ! I think you had more class back when Hooked was still up and running. Sure miss that place !
Me too...(miss the place[
Sure was handy having a full up shop close to home like that ( I'm in Layton ), and I'm sure James is still a classy guy ! Never see him much anymore tho.
I agree that UOTF can be unfriendly at times. If somebody is a "newbie" to that site and isn't too familiar with the rules and posting etiquette, the "elite" there rip on them something fierce when a mistake is made - like (gasp!) asking for information to a water. It kind of turns me off, so I don't post there.
Still, a lot of the guys there have given a lot of time to the stream access issue, and they deserve credit for that.