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So, my wife and I went camping for the weekend up at Rockport. While getting skunked on the tube for 4 hours in the morning. I said screwed that and hit the river where I knew I could pull some fish out! Hit the middle Weber around 1am Saturday. Flows were a little on the high side but not to bad! Wading the river was tough in spots, but I stayed dry! Fishing started slow with a hares ear and SOS. Broke the sos off and tied on a Rainbow Warrior that pulled two out. Stopped getting hits on that so took that off and threw on a CJ & caddis Larvae I tied up earlier in the week. Moved up river to the next hole and pulled out a nice cutty! Kept in that hole for a bit, kept moving up, moving up and wasn't getting any hits. finally said screw the nymphs and threw on one of the streamers I tied up. First cast into the same hole I've already been fishing for the past 5 minutes, FISH ON! Not only did he come up from the deep to get it, I stripped it from him before I saw, paused and saw him hit it again! Man that was a rush! Threw it in again, SAME THING!!! This is awesome! Went down to holes I previously fished. Well wouldn't ya know it, FISH ON!!! Guess it just depends on what the fish want! I can definitely say, I'm addicted to streamers now. I had a little bit of a rough patCh there trying to figure out how to fish them. Man they're a ton of fun once ya do!

Also had a run in with a furry friend! Even stopped and posed so I could take his picture! Such a good sport!

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Awesome report my man. Way to get after it. The Stillwaters were tough for me as well Sunday. I blame the full moon[Wink] Thank goodness, Carp don't care...LOL
I dunno if it was Stillwaters in general, or if Rockport is just fished out from that winter derby they had last winter... I know I went up there a few times and did REALLY well. Especially for staying in 1 or two spots basically. 20+ fish! I spent 4 hours Saturday covering a MASSIVE area and only saw about 4-5 fish on sonar the whole time!!! I threw everything I had at them, flies, jigs, worms, powerbait, NOTHING! The only people I saw that were catching fish, were trolling. And they were REALLY smaller... 14" and under! Talked to many that were skunked like myself! Where did you head out on Sunday? I'd still like you tag along one of these days and see how it's done!
Nice shots!
Right on man!! those are some good looking fish. Streamers are a blast! Those browns hit those things like they have something to prove.