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Full Version: best day of salmon fishing i have ever had.(clearwater salmon report.)
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Fished Saturday and Sunday. Saturday morning we fished up above Orifino my buddy ended up landing his first salmon for the year around 7:30 am. he has been in Europe for the last three weeks so he hasn't been able to fish so i was happy he got one. we never touched another fish that morning. Saturday afternoon we broke for lunch and decided to try bellow orifino. i hooked three that evening and all three hit the heavy water and i couldn't even think about turning them with my medium/heavy and 20 lb test.

Sunday morning we hit the same spot about his third cast my buddy hooked up on a jack. a guide floated buy and said that was the first jack he had seen all season. before 11:00 am i hooked and lost 6 fish. again they would swing down in to the heavy water and i couldn't turn them. we broke for lunch and had an awesome burger (as always.) at the Woodlot cafe and tavern. if you guys have never had a burger at the Woodlot i suggest the next time your in Ashaka you should stop in there. we had to run back to the guide shop to pick up some gear. got back to the river around 1:00 pm and somebody had slipped down where i was hooking the fish so i went up above him and my buddies went up above me. it was the best move i made all day. it gave me enough room to keep the fish out of the heavy water. i hooked up on my fourth cast and landed my first fish of the day. through the rest of the day i ended up landing 6 adults and 2 jacks and breaking off 4 more fish. on the 6th fish i decided i would tag out and focus on trying to get my buddies in to fish. for me it was hands down the best day of salmon fishing i have ever had. my buddies never touched another fish through the day. i even took breaks to let them get in there and try to hook up but it never happened. its been a long time since i have had a sore arm from fishing. man i love catching those fish in faster water. got a few pics for you guys.
That's an awesome report man! Those are some monster fish! It looks like I may need to bring my new gLoomis salmon rod down to the Clearwater!!!
Sounds like an awesome day!! Great looking fish!
Great Report! And I agree the Woodlot has great burgers! I try to make it a point to eat there every time I go to Orofino! It's right there by the bridge by the dam.
Nice job CJ [Wink]
Hey, great days are what memories are made of! It was fun fishing with you early last week. The bite got better and my steelie eggs with secret sauce ended up out fishing those other ones.

We brought home 11 salmon and threw a few un*clipped fish as well as some keepers back too, just because we didn't want to tagout.

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Osprey it was a pleasure fishing with you. Your hospitality was amazing.thank you for inviting me. I stopped by three times to see how you guys were doing but you were out in the boat all three times. We will have to get together this fall and see if we can hook up on some cold hard Clearwater steel. If any one is curious two Sundays ago osprey and I hooked up and did some back trolling for salmon on the Clearwater we ended up hooking three.we lost one at the net landed a wild and landed a nice hatchery. PiC of the hatch fish below.
Killer report. Thanks for sharing. Can't beat fish AND the wood lot. Haha. Awesome.
very cool![cool]