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Full Version: Luckiest cutt I ever met!
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My wife has not been in our boat at all this year so we cashed in a 'get out of church free' card and I took her to the Soldier Creek side of Strawberry.
She caught this cutt that had at least 10' of old line, probably 10 lb. test min, a rusty swivel, and a gold hook in it's gut. Check out the algae that has grown on the line. I figure it's at least 2 months old to be in that condition. I can't believe the poor little guy didn't get wrapped up in the sage and drown.
I don't keep cutts so that they can keep doing their job on chubs. We snipped the line at his mouth and set him on his way. I didn't get a pic of the fish cause I didn't want to stress him anymore.
We ended up with 19 RB, 3 CT, and one Koke. All fish were caught basically in front of the dam on KCT dodgers and squids/spinners. About 2 out of 3 fish were caught at the 20' depth while the others were caught letting out about 100' line behind the boat with the same combo of dodger/squid. Boat speed was appx. 1.1 mph. Poles were 6' ultralights spooled with 6 lb. test.
I just pulled the 7 RB and one Koke out of the smoker and they are delicious!
HA HA HA HA Oh my I just laughed so hard when I reed the part it says get out of church free card. Thats just hysterical to me. Im so happy i dont have a religion or if you can say my religion is going fishing and snowboarding if thats a religion to some people >_<. Sounds like you had a nice koke
Thank you FFL, it was a very tasty koke!
I really like going to church and I really like fishing. I fish 1-2 times a week until the goose hunt starts. Man, we are SO lucky to live in America.
I usually head to church on sundays but that weather yesterday morning was awesome and it was one of those days just to enjoy the cool breeze at Strawberry.
Good luck on your next trip, Shane
Ya I hope it was good because I've tried so many ways of joke cooked and still don't like those fish but one day I want to catch my own and cook it fresh.

Ya I do understand your point of view of church but it was little funny saying u had.
Next time you catch some kokes try smoking them with a salt/sugar brine with cherry wood chips. I think you will like it.
See ya, Shane
Hope I can catch one because its still in my bucket list.
Cool story. No kidding on the weather, especially after those Friday winds.