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Headed up to Rockport and Jordanelle this weekend. Has anyone been up there lately? I hope to be fishin' from the boat, but I may need to sling it from land. Any info would be helpful.

I was at rock port on Thursday but I only caught a few dinky basses so it's pretty slow because the spaw ended.
I was at jordonelle Monday from 7:30 to 2 the fishing was slow and small. I was after smallmouth. Did best on the south west side from. The damn headed north.

Good luck
how big were your smallies?
if you want to catch smallies right now head to EC, they are all close to shore and good sized this year. i caught 15 twelve to fourteen inch smallies and one nice fat 17 1/2 incher, fun stuff.
i dont care for rockport off the bank one of the few places i rather be in a boat
I will be at Rockport the end of the month.
How do you fish it from your boat?
I have only fished it once from my boat. I long lined some Rapalas and then drifted with my fly rod.