[#502800]Some of the discussion item that I overheard at the meeting at Anglers Den.[/#502800]
[#502800]1. Using whole fish as bait at Pine View.[/#502800]
[#502800](It appeared that most warmwater anglers were in opposition to this).[/#502800]
[#502800]2. Planting larger Tiger Trout instead of minnows, so they won't become snacks for existing rainbows. (Something about they are allocated by Pounds, so they plant those that weigh less?)[/#502800]
[#502800]3. Purchase of a warmwater stamp with the money to be directed to warm water hatcheries and management. This could not reduce the percentage amounts that are presently allocated. [/#502800][#502800](Someone from DWR mentioned the Lee Kay center is losing water due to porous rock).[/#502800]
[#502800]4. Trashers and help in enforcing the law.[/#502800]
[#502800]5. Power bait use for ages 14 and under only.[/#502800]
[#502800]DWR people were very receptive, cordial and good listeners at the meeting.[/#502800]
I laugh so hard when i reed the 14 and younger for power bait XD. Now they putting age limits on bait oh well i dont really care for power bait i got some other trout bait that will slay the ponds still >

Unfortunately, on #3 the DWR doesn't have much say where the money's go, the Legislature does. Most our fishing money goes elsewhere.
Great idea however.
Anything on Treble hooks and C&R waters[laugh][laugh][laugh]
[quote WaveWolf][#502800]Some of the discussion item that I overheard at the meeting at Anglers Den.[/#502800]
[#502800]5. Power bait use for ages 14 and under only.[/#502800]
What will people think of next? Sure powerbait will end up spending some $$$$ to stopping that. Personally I rarely use the stuff...but really come on guys.....that is what you want the DWR to work on[crazy].
Next thing you know only those 18 years and below can not use down riggers, you have to be under 21 to use bait, and persons over 65 must strictly use a fly and a bubble.
I'd bet the people pushing that change do not use Powerbait....so now they feel that they can dictate that for everyone else because they don't like it? Seriously those people need a lesson in "tolerence". Only in Utah is it the right thing to dictate everyone else's behavoir like you are justified about it.
No no, your wrong. At age 65 the rules revert back to under 14[

]. If I didn't work swings I would have attended. I wanted to suggest no walleye over 24" during the traditional spawn time (when tributaries are closed) to make sure the mamas get their eggs down. Don't know if it would gain traction but would be worth a shot...[fishon]
No- what i want the dwr to work on is all the bugs and skeeters cause when they do there wont be any of them left either...what now a licence to buy powerbait? [#800000]Watch your language![/#800000] they cant manage the great salt lake..
[#502800]Nothing on C&R waters ....... There was a healthy debate on trebles and whole baits at Pineview on the Muskies.[/#502800]
You know those crazy nut job guys that are apart of that group called "god hates *&%$"? Well these are the "God hates power bait" versions on these wackos in our fishing world. Seriously! I hope the DWR got a good chuckle at that joke of trying to ban Power Bait!
[#ff0000][size 1]-I edited this word out, even though I knew you were trying to make a point - Koch[/size][/#ff0000]
Why stop at PowerBait? No more worms. Grasshoppers are out. Minnows? Cut bait? Ban it all. Come on.... get real. Those places that need Artificial Flies & Lures Only regulations are already set up for that. Somebody's just got a vendetta about PowerBait.
I thought you were up in WY. fishing for the eyes with dad, or is that this comming weekend?
True about that! Several peeps I know including myself went down.there to voice our opinion about the increased bait size proposal ... I can remember the days of walking over Musky carcasses every 50 yds along the bank ... makes me SICK! I just mostly wanted to know WHY??? Why go back to that?? Because anglers are finding other baits and ways to catch em??? I will.tell you there.is no way in Hell bacon or chicken is catching #s of Musky that whole bait will.. The amount of dead fish at PV has dropped dramaticly over the yrs, now any dead one's you see are from improper handling Etc ... why go back to that?? Especially after they have spent so much time, money, and resources to get a stocking program going ... now they wanna throw that away? ? Hmmmmmmmm