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In response to my intro post...I made it out to UL yesterday afternoon. Launched from Lincoln Beach (that is out there a ways!) and started fishing for white bass for bait. No luck on the white bass but I did land my first channel cat! Hooray! I was still using the 1/8 pink jig and this cat took it and stayed on! I was all giddy like a girl! Ended the night with 4 total channel cats and 1 huge carp on the same jig! The other cats were nice 24"s.

Here is a pic...sorry for the quality as my wife is still learning how to point and shoot!

[Image: Cat1.jpg]
All right glad you caught a few that pic almost looks like a baby shark. Those whities are never around when you need them.
This is why I slaved away earlier this year and chopped up 25 or so and put 'em into my freezer. Nothing is worse than having to fish for your bait.