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Full Version: looking into a new rod. opinions please.
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Im looking to get a new rod as my pflueger finaly bit the big one.. Im looking to spend no more then 80$ on a rod. The st croix triumph caught my eye and was wondering if there is any first hand experiance on here with them. Or if there are any suggestions on a spinning rod? I want somthing 6'6"/6'9" preferably a 2 piece. Medium power fast action. Maybe a medium heavy power. Any suggestions?
abu gracia vendetta
The new shimano rods are a good bet. Basically all of last years rods just moved down a grade, so the compre which is close to that price is almost exactly the same as last years crucial that was about 175. The warranty is also good, i slammed a crucial in the door and they replaced it for free. Tackle warehouse usually has them, for some reason they are hard to find stocked at stores, sportsmans carries them at times, howards in nampa might have last years models still on sale, cabelas had a few.
The St Croix is a great rod.

I almost exclusively fish St Croix Avids and they are fantastic.
ABU GARCIA Vendetta Series Baitcast Rod!!!!!!!!!!!! $77 at Amazon.. Its a one piece tho!

Abu garcia Cardinal 100i Series is a two piece about $50 i think... Both i had/have and are killer rods. Check em out on Amazon.
Jeremy I have three of the Shimano Claris rods and like them very much. Very sensitive, strong & versatile.

All three of mine are 6' 6" two piece fast action rods. They run about $79.95 at Cabelas. I am sure if you shopped hard you could beat that price. Here is
a link.

[url ""][/url]

Spend a little more and get a Temple Fork Outfitters Gary Loomis signature series. You will not be disappointed. They run about $129.00 at Cabelas. Very equal to a Loomis rod, but a third of the price.
All great rods here suggested and your first inclination is a great one also. St. Croix makes great rods and the Triumph series is as good or better than any in that price range. You won't go wrong with your choice or any of the others. The St. Croixs have many lengths and actions though all their lines and you should be able to dial it in for exactly what you are after.
I haven't used the Triumph, but I have a St Croix Premier that I really like. Don't forget ebay either. I got a Shimano Compre, brand new, for $50 last year. I also have several Fenwicks that I love, I would check them out too. Also, Bass Pro makes some pretty nice rods too. I use their Bionic Blade a lot and one of their walleye series rods and have been quite happy with them.
thanks eeryone for the help and such.. im still trying to figure out exactly what I want.. so many choices out there..
I've really enjoyed my abu garcia vendetta. I bought mine at sportsmans but i noticed that walmart of all places started carrying them as well.