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Full Version: I met my goal!
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Last year I caught some nice 12 inch crappies at Strike, along with a scant few 13 inchers. So my goal this year was to break 14 inches. Aside from one day at the end of April, crappie fishing from shore on Strike has been tough to say the least. My last couple of trips haven't been worth the 100 mile round trip from Boise. I told myself I would give it one last shot before writing shallow water crappie off for the year.

Went to Cottonwood for some night fishing. Met a few people I knew while I was there, but the fishing stunk so bad they had all up and left by midnight. I had one tiny crappie about 9 inches, and no one else got so much as a nibble. I was too stubborn to leave, and at last the fishing gods Smiled on me. Caught this 15.25 incher on a tiny bluegill sized jig. It's a miracle I hooked him, because the jig had a hook around size 12. He smacked it just as I was about to lift the jig from the water. I'd like to say the bite was on, but alas that was the last crappie I managed to land. I did hook a few more, but they all managed to spit the hook.

This is the best crappie I have caught at Strike, and my all time personal best. I tied the jig I caught it on too.

[Image: 2012-06-22_09-44-56_859-2.jpg]
Nice fish and great post!
A whopper!
Nice one. Sorry it was just one. I want to make some crappy jigs one day.
Persistence pays off! Awesome.

Nice catch i would love to catch crappie that size
Nice going. Haven't seen a crappie like that for several years.
awesome fish
Wow!!! Beautiful fish...
You know what's weird? When I cleaned the fish, it turned out to be female with a huge clump of eggs still in her. Normally the spawn is over by now, and the biggest fish usually spawn first. Do you think there's still a chance they could move in to spawn, or is it too late in the year?
I think its too late, the major spawn is over. However, a few crappie and bluegill spawn later in the summer. In deep South they spawn sporadically year 'round but have one major spawn like up here in the North.
