I have recently had some issues with people fishing from boat docks. I understand it sucks not having a boat to fish from. But I have recently had a couple experiences that made me pretty

.. Coming in to the only boat dock next to the only boat ramp, I have spooled a guys 50 lb braid catching it in my trolling motor. Not fun to untangle that mess. Last time It happened the line actually had a small bass on it. Pulled the boat out of the water to find there was someones line hung in my big motors prop, the line was attached to a small mouth bass... Sad day when you get out fished by your own boat!!!!! Has anyone else had any issues with sharing the dock and catching other peoples lines?
all the time!!! it seems people take the posted rules of no fishing from the dock as a suggestion.. rather then a rule or law i have seen people get tickets for fishing on the dock and flaming gorge i just think people don't care.. especially in utah common courtesy just is, no longer practiced
Actually, my pet peeve when it comes to docks is other boaters taking too long. It's called a courtesy dock, not a slip! [mad]
maybe there should be a test when you buy a boat. If you can't load or unload your boat in 10 mins you just cant have one . have a nice day
[quote TheCarDoctor]Actually, my pet peeve when it comes to docks is other boaters taking too long. It's called a courtesy dock, not a slip! [mad][/quote]
Amen to all the above. Some places have signs about fishing from docks, some don't. I've had encounters with SO many fishing lines out from a bridge I practically couldn't pass underneath. Seriously? Don't just "point" pull in your damned line if a boat is coming through.
Not just the docks, but the launch ramps too - seriously - throw the stick for your dog somewhere else, or if you're wanting to wade and wet your toes - fine, but NOT on the launch ramp, or if so - MOVE YOUR backside when boats need to use it!!! We don't have other options, you do!!!
So - my favorite - I'm coming into load out, and there's not just one, but TWO pickups PARKED on the launch ramp while these bozos jetski around. Seriously? And it's NOT like they hurried over to clear out a space so I could unload.
A parking brake was about to get released is all I can say!!! I know (in my experience) most jetskiiers don't have a braincell between the ears in the first place, but seriously? Leaving your rig parked on the loading ramp? Frigging bozos and Benson!
One trip to UL - bunch of kids swimming from the launch dock to the private dock, one could barely make it. Got yelled at by some boaters that they'd get run over.
Like maybe by that monster wakeboard boat coming INTO the harbor on full plane, only to barley drop down the throttle as they neared the dock. Yup, more Bozo the clowns! Where's Barney when you need 'em!
Next time - I'm taking pictures!
Quote:So - my favorite - I'm coming into load out, and there's not just one, but TWO pickups PARKED on the launch ramp while these bozos jetski around. Seriously? And it's NOT like they hurried over to clear out a space so I could unload.
Bet I know where that happened! My boat trailer isn't too conventional, but I try to get out asap, and then pull up out of the way. If it isn't busy, or no other boats are around, then I don't feel as pressured to get out as quickly.
As for the bridge thing, I would just keep on going. They need to understand that there is only one place for a boat to go under a road at, and that is under the bridge. I have always thought fishing off of a bridge was kind of lame anyways.
Watching people launch and recover boats is one of my favorite pass times. Some of the greatest sights at Powell occur on the ramp at Bullfrog !!!
Had an experience last year at Deer Creek on the Island Ramp. The wind was coming up and two guys that work for the concessionaire decided it was a good time to swap jet skis on two different trailers. They backed both down the ramp and began switching craft. Mean while, 8-10 boats stacked up on the water, in building waves, while these two clowns were playing around. They didn't appreciate it when I yelled at them to get the [#FF4040]*&&^[/#FF4040] off the ramp! I was actually amazed that they did so that people could recover their boats.
I fish by myself most of the time and it never ceases to amaze me that I can launch or recover my 18 ft. Skeeter in less time than it takes most people to do the same with someone to back in and someone else to drive the boat !!! Go figure !!
Yeah I think that I have seen more divorces start on the launch ramp than anywhere else in my life.
Saw one lady get of the truck and just walk off and never did see her come back.
That's funny - sounds like a couple I watched at Bear Lake once - she kept backing up while he yelled to go forward . . .
there's some entertaining Youtubes on "launch ramp escapades". Some time-lapse that are just funeeee. Others fall into the "fail" category.
Had one episode myself - with my son in the boat, ready to launch and drive over to the dock with the Electric, while I parked the ride. I drop him in, then he's hollering "there's water coming in" I reply "yeah, it's ok, it just sweats the rivets at first", he yells back "no, I mean REALLY FAST"
you can guess.... plug? Oops. FAIL!
Load back on the trailer, tip out the water, and he exclaims "I am NEVER doing THAT again!"
Of course every time I offer (the 13yr old) to drive the truck out, he says YES YES YES!!!! (he'd probably put it in reverse, so, uh yeah - we'll wait! Driving years are coming TOO soon!)
For a great show you need to watch the Bear Lake Marina on the 4th it is truly intertaining.
[quote setthehook]Sad day when you get out fished by your own boat!!!!![/quote]
Haha. That's classic.
This is on of the many reasons I love my wife, she can back a trailer better than most full grown men I know! I watched her get pissed at AF one day and literally back an s around 2 trucks directly into the ramp in between 2 other clowns that could barely get their trailers down the ramp and get the truck right in the space. When we go out and my buddies ask for the keys to get the truck my wife tells them I don't think so pal we don't got all day LOL! And I totally agree with the statement if you can't get your rig in and out of the water in less than 10 mins you should not be allowed to have a boat!!! And keep your flippin kids off the dock until you are done screwing around for twenty minutes getting your boat all situated. Unless you want them thrown in!
Holiday weekends are the best. we used to take a cooler of beer and sit at the ramp and watch the show at CJ Strike, Cotonwoods. OMG. What is really funny, is trying to offer some help. lots of glares and stares. It's obvious they are struggling, but wont accept any help either.
There have beensome that except help. Usually females about .03 secs from tears when there Hubby is on the water trying load and yelling directions.
I have seen the line be at least 30-45 minutes long at AF boat harbor, with all that time sitting in line, you would think they would get all their gear ready to go? Nope. still takes them 20 minutes to get a rope, kids, towels and about 32 bags of crap out of the rig and put it in the boat.
A good boat shop will take people out and show them how to load and unload. unfortunatly, there are not many good boat shops left. The first one that comes to mind was the old Four Winns shop n Boise. During your test ride, they used to make you load/unload succesfully before they gave you the boat.
Don't blame the kids, blame the parents.
I agree with alot of what is being said but what would fishing be if you had it perfect everytime?? i say let the kids swim in the harbor and fish the boat docks make it a little harder, if it was always perfect i probably wouldnt like fishing... thats a lie i wouldnt be working but thats a different story,
Thanks for the video link. I needed a good laugh today.
good vid. the Van and the jet ski was awesome, till it sank.
I was 12 when I was backing my dad's boat in the water...and at 12 I did 10 times better at it than my Mom would do!! Let the kid at least try....
LMAO! Cool vid! Van and wave runner a classic!
The launch at Maple Grove campground was entertaining last weekend. My favorite was watching a Black Chev's back end sink at Oneida yesterday. 3 Fords to the rescue!!!! That launch is not for big boats and 4x4's with wide wheels.
I've experienced first hand being screamed at during the launch at Newton. At that point I sat down, folded my arms, crossed my legs and didn't budge an inch! Then watched the jerk load all by himself. It was funny and there were half a dozen boats waiting to launch.
Needless to say I never got yelled at again.
Smiles Always and no screaming!