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Full Version: Splake trout ! Mmmm
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Some splake trout I.cought for the 4th of july barbucue thought id share this tasty trout pics with u guys [bobsurprised]
I forgot. What time is supper again? hehe
Looks like you've got a rainbow in there too (only the tail is visible).

Looks like you cleaned house at FL.
[quote pa]I forgot. What time is supper again? hehe[/quote]
Haha its soon .. and yeah there is one rainbow and rest splake from.fishlake [bobsleeping]
Nice looking catch I've been waiting to see a fishlake report if you don't mind saying when you caught them me and my sin are planning on leaving layton on Friday afternoon if the fishing any good for the weekend
[quote Mooncricket] and my [#FF0000]sin[/#FF0000] are planning on leaving layton on Friday afternoon if the fishing any good for the weekend[/quote]

Is that how you look at fishing? Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame.
Oh wow maybe I should read over what I type when I've been celebrating the 4th good thing my SON wont see that ha ha good catch man
Wow nice catch! Do you specifically target the splake? Or did you just let the rest of your catch go? I would imagine if a guy was to go after just splake you would try jigging? I dont fish Fishlake but thats cool almost all your fish were splake. Tight lines.
pa dont forget to pick me up as well XD for supper as well ha ha ha
Yeah I jus target splake on that trip its my splake trip ill catch 80 splake to 1 rainboe hahaha I love it I shore fish at night !(: