Hi everyone, like the subject says I am a fly fishing and well just fishing newb, other then just regular fishing a few times as a kid, but that has probably been 20 years ago.
Anyway I went and bought a fly rod this week, were around SLC can a newb such as myself go and learn and try and catch a couple fish, I don't want to go were I will be in peoples way, I was thinking of trying to head up Mill Creek canyon tomorrow, any suggestions?
Thanks and I look forward to reading more of your posts!! This looks like a great forum!!
I would think Millcreek might be a little .....brushy, but worth a shot. I say try the Uinta's. Thousands of lakes and many with a clearing to back cast.
I Flyfish Cove Pond all the time. If you would like, I could meet you there and show you what littlebit I know. Tomorrow we are headed to Reno for a day or two, but should be back by Monday. If this works for ya let me know.
I was wondering if you could fly fish the community ponds or not, I guess that answers that. That would be great if you could show me some basics, just let me know when you have a chance to head out there and we can see what works, my schedule is kind of crazy, but I'll try to work something out.
Don't worry about being in peoples way. It's called combat fishing for a reason. Just go find a spot and practice casting because the better caster you are the better luck you'll have fly fishing. That's because your line will be in the water more and not undoing knots.
With that said I live in West Jordan and love teaching fly fishing to newbies so PM and I 'll meet up somewhere and give you a few pointers.
Take some Adams, Haresears, Prince Nymphs, Buggers and practice "ROLL CASTING"
Thing is, it will be tough to back cast with the crowds, so this is a perfect chance to practice this, plus you NEED water to do it.
Learn this and you can fish anywhere. Even with a mountain behind you.
Also practice the cast. 10 and 2, but not arched like a clock face, a straight line like painting the underside of a shelf.
yes its legal lol to fish community ponds. If you just want a little fun most of the time if i go to kidney pond in south jordan i just use a black woolly bugger with a flasher on the tail side and strip it fast. Best time that I had experience at that pond is early morning usually 6am-10 or 11 am then later fly fishing is sorda a dead stop there.