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Just a reminder to wear some type of eye wear while throwing lures, chuck n duckin, or fishing in general. Gave a couple a ride to eirmac tonight with a stuck rapala in her face. She got lucky and turned her face last min so it stuck in the side of her face, but it was dead level with her eyes, if she wouldn't have reacted as quick as she did she would be looking at loosing an eye. Also makes sure you have some thing in your gear that will handle cutting hooks or split rings. They didn't so they taped the rapala to her face for The rest of the 3 hour float. Pair of dykes will atleast get the hook free from the lure and if you push a hook through you'll need it to cut the eye or The tip/barb off to get the hook out. Just a couple pointers to think on prior to your day of fishing.
Thanks for the reminder. I had an on river reminder today also. Mine came in the form if a hook in the thumb. I was unhooking a 18inch cutt and the back hook of the articulated streamer went straight into my thumb , PAST THE BARB!!!!!! I was greatful it was only this instead of in the face with the wind that picked up towards evening time.
I've been fishing for around 45 years and had a number of close calls, but only recently embedded I my first hook in past the barb. It went in under my thumb nail clear to the bend of the hook. I was using a 2 hook rig and I had a fish on the other hook that was wiggling and flopping. I'm here to say that can be fairly painful. It hurt like the dickens, but the bite was on so I pulled it out opposite of the way it went in, ripping flesh with the barb (a little), as it came out and went back to fishing. Yes, there was plenty of blood dripping off my thumb. I was really surprised at how fast it healed up.

Eyewear is important when fishing. I can only imagine (I hope) getting a hook in the eye.

Thanks for the reminder. Be safe.
Somebody left a piece of cut bait on a hook in the back of the pickup and the dog bit it then ran. Broke some Spiderwire and set the hook real good on a Sunday evening. It was a Kahles with that elongated J shape that really sets itself. It was in the back corner of his bottom gum. We taped his legs together, I laid on him and held on, and the wife attacked with a Leatherman. None of us enjoyed the next ten minutes, but we all healed quickly.
Wow! Reminds me of pulling porcupine quills out of my dogs nose as a kid.
