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Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass, CBA, sixth place, 6/07/12, Derek
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I really feel like I should just say, "See Action Alarms Legend event for report". Wink It was just a continuation of that day. It was way to hot to be fishing and very difficult to keep fish alive in a live well with that kind of heat for that long. Too many fish today saw their last day today. Sad Me and Derek had two hooked badly so we released them before they ever had a chance to die. The five we weighed in were kicking well and I believe will make it fine but we really had to pamper them today. Had to add ice every hour, add slime builder, add water and release me. It was work keeping them alive.<br /><br />Derek caught two 4 and a half pounders today, I caught two 3 and a half pounders and we ended up with one at 2/6 that we could not seem to get rid of. emoDoh Should of had about 18/8 with those five but the power was off at the weigh in station so we had to use battery power. For some reason when using battery power our scales were weighing about 12% light. emoScratch The weights when you look at them should be about 12% heavier then what they are going to show. The order will still be the same but the weight were off by that much on everyone. With that said our 18 and a half pounds weighed in at 16.76 lbs on the CBA scales. Keep in mind it did this on everyone so the order of the way folks placed would still be the same. Ours was good enough for a payday and sixth place, we also will receive some good points.<br /><br />We caught fish on frogs...yes I said frogs in the grass...., on shakeys and on big worms. You again had to have structure of some kind. Either brush piles, grass, stumps, trees, docks...ex. If you were in it you were in the right place. I did have one really good one get hung up in a couple Christmas trees and while trying to work it loose it broke my line. emoBawl Today also we caught a lot of shorts. It started out everything we caught would keep but as the day went on the little ones for us got active. It was a good thing, it kept our minds off the heat. emoGoofy A person must be nuts to fish in that kind of heat.<br /><br />We still managed to have a good time. It was nice to see everyone, good to talk to many and had some laughs. Congrats to Josh Wofford and his dad Bruce on the win today and big bass. emoApplause Jmax