Fishing Forum

Full Version: Hoggsnatcher, Chick, Rocks with a ?, 7-5-12, Bro
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Went to fish this morning, first time I been out in a month. Went to the dam to chase rocks. The turbins being ran and the water flow was good. Fished with my brother and had a real good day. We didnt catch any real big fish but we boated 11 with 38.50" and 21.25# being the biggest. Had 1 fish that I thought was a hybrd when I 1st saw it in the water. After getting it in the boat it had the right shape for a hybrd but the lines were not broken. Ive only cought a handful of hybrd but ive cought a few hundred rocks. The pic dont show the overall shape of the fish that well but it dont look rock shape to me. It was 31" long and I listed it as Hmm. I know im holding it different but was trying to show the shape of the fish better. What do yall think ?