07-10-2012, 11:23 PM
My buddy Danny caught his first koke the evening of 7-6-12 at Soldier Creek. This has been a goal of his for quite some time. He caught it using a KCT dodger followed by a watermelon spinner by the same company. We trolled at 1.4 mph. He wasn't even using a down rigger, he was just long-lining about 150' behind my boat! This was one of two for him that evening and you can tell by his
how happy he was to scratch a koke off his listl. We caught 4 others and lost one (may have been a trout but didn't see it) at appx. 42' with a KCT pink squid/spinner behind a KCT dodger.
Thanks Dan for letting me be a part of reaching your koke goal.
P.S. Don't try to buy a watermelon spinner at the SC store, Danny bought them all!!

Thanks Dan for letting me be a part of reaching your koke goal.
P.S. Don't try to buy a watermelon spinner at the SC store, Danny bought them all!!