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Full Version: Danny's first koke!
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My buddy Danny caught his first koke the evening of 7-6-12 at Soldier Creek. This has been a goal of his for quite some time. He caught it using a KCT dodger followed by a watermelon spinner by the same company. We trolled at 1.4 mph. He wasn't even using a down rigger, he was just long-lining about 150' behind my boat! This was one of two for him that evening and you can tell by his Smile how happy he was to scratch a koke off his listl. We caught 4 others and lost one (may have been a trout but didn't see it) at appx. 42' with a KCT pink squid/spinner behind a KCT dodger.
Thanks Dan for letting me be a part of reaching your koke goal.

P.S. Don't try to buy a watermelon spinner at the SC store, Danny bought them all!!
Thanks for the report, I'm hoping to get up there this week and give it a try so that info will really helps. It sounds like the same setup that I have been using at Porcupine. The KCT spinner harnesses have also been working well for me at Willard for Walleye and Wipers. I'm surprised to hear your friend caught a koke long lineing though, was it early in the morning? Seems like the kokes move deeper as the day gets later.
I was surprised also. He actually caught two kokes long lining. We were fishing parallel with the SC dam friday evening about 7:30 ish when he caught his two fish. Mine were in the same area but appx. 42' under the boat.
Hope this helps and good luck.
Bennett, thank you for helping me obtain one of my goals for the year. I had a blast making memories with you and Shane.
