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Years ago, I used to contribute on occasion my reports of fishing successes on BFT. For the last couple of years, for whatever reason, I've resigned myself to merely lurking.

But early this spring I bought a boat. The kids and I have made wide and fun use of it.

In hopes that you might enjoy them, I thought I'd share a few pictures of the adventures my kids and I, and friends and I, have had so far this spring and summer.

To break in the new-to-us boat, one of our first memorable trips was to Lake Powell in late April. During our few days there, we experienced a run of bad weather. But we were able to experience one glorious day on the water.

Here is my son Bryce with his biggest-caught smallmouth. He was pitching a crankbait when the smallie hung on and gave him a good time:

[Image: 467596_10150865301833183_1093995001_o.jpg?t=1342032259]

My two youngest kids were able to experience a bit of the action as well:

[Image: 467786_10150865303748183_1233687501_o.jpg?t=1342032267]

[Image: 413406_10150865305033183_860673455_o.jpg?t=1342032274]

Despite catching a number of fish on crayfish-colored crankbaits and jigs, the kids were getting restless being on the boat for a few hours. So we decided they needed to spend some time on land and explore a bit.

We beached our boat, and I did a bit of exploring myself. One interesting find was a small, flooded cove comprised of flooded sapling trees. The trees themselves and patches of drifting, windblown vegetation provided enough adequate shade for me to believe a fish or two might be found there.

I quickly ran back to the boat, tied on a Senko, ran back to the cove, and made a precise cast near a big, floating tumbleweed. That first cast produced a beauty of a largemouth. I had to wade out into the water to retrieve the fish, so that is where a photo was snapped:

[Image: 464258_10150865309048183_801964936_o.jpg?t=1342032289]

Later, in early May, I took two trips to Pelican Lake. The first was a solo trip. I found the bass difficult to catch. But the bluegill, as ever, were more than willing.

Here are a couple pics of the more photogenic of the group I brought to the boat that day:

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[Image: 411258_10150865405588183_180491364_o.jpg?t=1342032253]

For a second attempt, I returned in May and just happened to time the spawn perfectly. This time, a long-time friend accompanied me.

From early morning to well into the afternoon, my friend and I caught many eager largemouth and 'gills. I was thrilled when I happened upon a truly hefty largemouth about an hour into the morning bite.

The hefty, beautiful bahama-mama, once I helped her aboard, taped out at 19.5" and was piggishly gerthy. Here are a couple of pics of the fashion model:

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[Image: 461220_10150865408073183_1532803159_o.jpg?t=1342032248]

Throughout the rest of May and into June, Strawberry and Starvation Reservoirs and Utah Lake were kind to me and the kids. Starvation, in particular, has become a favored haunt.

The nice thing about Starvation, similar to Lake Powell, is that it provides several hiking, exploring, and swimming opportunities for antsy kids who feel they've been confined to the boat for too long or once the daytime temperatures have climbed high.

The following photos reveal some of our successes at Starvation. For unknown reasons, I didn't feel as inclined to snap pics of the trout we've caught at Strawberry nor the white bass and catfish we've wrangled at Utah Lake. I do believe the lovely pics from Starvation more than make up for the lack of photos elsewhere, however.

This first photo is of a solo trip I took to Starvy, during a cool spring day in early June. I caught a few small smallies, missed out on hooking even a single walleye (nor a married one, either), but caught a couple respectable rainbows. This hefty 'bow, measuring approximately 20", succumbed to a trolled silver and red krocodile:

[Image: 459538_10150892265893183_671418774_o.jpg?t=1342032213]

Later in June, the kids and I returned to Starvy. More successful than my solo trip, we hooked up with a number of very nice 'bows using silly putty and a few fun smallies tossing crankbaits and jigs.

Still with no 'eyes to report, we do have some respectable pictures of Starvation's lovely trout to show (and by the way, they taste as good as they look):

[Image: 266063_10150944032273183_468474802_o.jpg?t=1342032209]

[Image: 468851_10150944025598183_890203557_o.jpg?t=1342032211]

For our last trip of the year (so far) to Starvation, I was joined with just one of my sons.

He loves to captain the boat:

[Image: 336074_10150952264043183_1842970785_o.jpg?t=1342032207]

During this trip in late June (or was it the early part of this month, July? I'm a bit foggy here), we caught some of our biggest rainbows of the year.

Here's Bryce with our biggest two:

[Image: 278007_10150952270183183_1101998615_o.jpg?t=1342032205]

As I mentioned earlier, we've also experienced some fun days on Strawberry and Utah Lake. We've hit UL multiple times, as we live very close to the Provo Boat Harbor.

On our last trip during scorching July heat, the kids jumped off the side of the boat and swam, and in between the splashing and fun, we did manage to boat several decent white bass and a couple hefty kitty fish using small curly tail jigs and soaked minnows. Sorry, no pics, but I'll make it a point to bring the camera on our next Utah Lake outing.

I hope you've enjoyed the report and pics.

Happy fishing, all...and tight lines.
[cool][#0000ff]Good to have ya back amongst us Shawn. Glad to see the kids doing well and honing their angling skills. There can be a lot worse pastimes for kids these days. As I found out...also being a single dad for a few years...when kids enjoy fishing they have less time to try to find other things to occupy them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We gotta have a meetup at Starvy for old times' sake. But I am thinking that September might be better than right now.[/#0000ff]
Between baseball practice, baseball games, driver's ed, clogging, and enjoying other summer activities besides fishing--I am a very busy dad at times.

But being out on the boat and spending time on the water is definitely one of our family's favorite pasttimes.

Meeting up with you at Starvation sounds like one of the best ideas I've heard in awhile. It's a definite yes for September, but I thought I might hit it at least once before then.

Do you think I'd be wishing I waited if I went between now and Sept.? Are you not going to visit Starvy again until Sept.?
Go now or you will regret it!
Was there last saturday (7-7) and had an absolute riot of a fishing trip. Caught eyes, good smallies, tons of perch, and very hefty bows.
We got caught in that 2pm microburst that hit and that wasn't even enough to dampen our enthusiasm.
Wished I was there right now!!
[cool][#0000ff]Fishing can be good anytime now, but I personally have some travel plans and other "speedbumps" that might slow me down a bit until then. Usually good walleye and perch action all summer but the rainbows slow down in the heat. They will be more playful when the water cools in the fall...if there is any water left in the lake by then.[/#0000ff]
Well...I don't ever want to regret a missed opportunity. [Wink]

I have figured out how to at least get nibbles from just about every species of fish in Starvy, but those 'eyes remain very elusive.

I might have to PM you, Bennet, and ask you for a tip or two.

Thanks for the encouragement, BTW.
The most satisfying part of my fishing lately has been catching fish on gear I made.
I spent an hour with TubeDude about 2 months ago and then went and aquired a jig mold and melting pot. Since then I have also been making my own bottom bouncers and drop shot sinkers.
I caught a 26" eye that went almost 8 lbs. on my own 1/8th jig head that has been the highlight of my year.
At Starvy last week we caught bows on KCT spoons and spinners behind dodgers.
The eyes came to the boat while just simply jigging for the perch. We also caught some bows with the same method. I started the eye fishing while bb'ing but the perch wouldn't let us. When I got on a good school, I just used the Ipilot anchor feature to hold us there. The eyes and bows were collateral damage.
Thanks very much for the suggestions.

And while I'm not a jig maker myself, I have been gifted with several TubeDude-made jigs by the man himself.

I have experience with how effective they are. [Wink]
Excellent report and pics. Those kids will never forget those memories and if they take their kids out fishing, it's because you took them. Also love the hat. Go Dons!
Can't wait for the fall report from you. Nice work there man!
Thanks, LotF...

The thing is, I enjoy my fishing trips about 100% more when my wonderful kids are along. It's funny. If I'm ever fishing solo or with friends and I hook into a really large or beautiful fish, my first thought is, I wish my kids were here to reel it in and see it with me.

Don't know what I'd do without them. They make every outdoor experience and each time on the water all the more memorable.

(And I grew up in Spanish Fork, BTW. Love that town, though it has changed a lot since my youth. I think it's about doubled in size since then.)
Thanks, TDT.

I hope not to wait until fall to post again. I hope for a few more worthwhile tales to share between now and then.

I enjoy reading your posts and your brother's. I thought I should reciprocate a bit more often. [Wink]
Thanks for that there reciprocation. I was gonna say - your boy looks proud being boat capn - probably won't be but a couple years till he's asking for the car keys! (give's me the willy's everytime my son reminds me how soon He'll be expecting to drive the wheels instead of the tiller.)

Those Starvy Steelheads are doing anything BUT Starving me thinks! Always wondered why they call it "Starvation" when the fish there all look so well fed!

Hook up with TD for one of his "no name jigs" and the eyes will just jump in your boat! No mercy!

It is fun to float! Congrats on having a ride, and better - putting it to good use.