07-12-2012, 09:00 AM
stopped at Countryside Restaurant yesterday afternoon for dinner emoHungry emoHungry , good food. Wife &amp; I went on to the Chick for some R&amp;R in form of lure testing &amp; washing. Nice evening, breezy, water @ 90 degree, air @ emoSun . Moved around a bit looking for a bigger bite. Had slow evening catching several stripe on topwater, wife throwing Red Eye underneath, whammo, its stripping my line, cannot reel it...let run, tire out, cranl it up, 10-12lb BLUE on the trap emoThumbsup , lot of fun. <br /><br />Near dark we were inside Chester Frost, suddenly wife SCREAMS I GOT A MONSTER, heh heh, it was stripping line, she was having a hard time holding the rod in upright position, tire it out &amp; I reach out, WOW, this is your PB I told her, LARGEMOUTH. Nice 6-1/4lbr, she was a happy camper , all way home , I heard , I really beat you this evening. Said thet made her feel good to have the bigguns for the trip, love it, glad to have her assist and yep, I know to let her catch the better emoFish , makes for a funner day.<br /><br />Saw Ranger23 out also, did you catch ??????//............ emoGeezer emoUSA