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Full Version: Jordan River Questions
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First of all, does any1 know any entry points of the river farther south than 12600S. but not all the way at Utah Lake? Secondly, I drove up to the river near Utah Lake after catching some in my usual spots and I forgot just how boring and wide the river is up there. How come it's WAY wide up with virtually no rapids and such like in the city spots? Is the water way deeper up there than the city spots?

Anyway, I'll post two pictures of my 2 favorite fish I caught today. I should have a 2foot or so catfish posted as well but unfortunately I don't have a net and my spots is on a cliff edge and there's NO way I'm stepping in that water because it looks deep. It was fun playing with that cat fish. I played with him about 10 minutes and planned on getting him so exhausted I could maybe set my foot in the steep bank water and grab him. Unfortunately that didn't go so well. I'm not sure what type of cat fish he was. I would say channel cat fish cause I caught 2 in that same spot and mostly those in the past, but this one honestly was WAY blacker and i'm not sure if I wanna say he looked cool or ugly lol.
Omg I'm sorry guys, I'll post pictures later cause computer is being lame.
There are several places to fish along the Jordan river in Lehi. Willow park is an easy entry point. Just follow Lehi Main Street and there's a sign for willow park on the right.

There is a green belt running the entire length of the river from the headwaters to Thanksgiving point.
thanks for the report. From the pic you showed its a channel catfish. very good for eating.