Fishing Forum

Full Version: mocs-tr20, Chickamauga CFF#8 2nd place, largemouth, 7/14/12, Shane Frazier (saltyduck)
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Had a great time last night talking to everybody, its always a fun time. Well our night was a decent night. Started out like a lot of the other night catching fish and slowly culling up. i think the cooler weather really had these fish spread out. caught fish a lot shallower then previously. these cool rains had them pushing up. it took a little adjusting, but we finally figured it out. focused on river ledges and also hit a few grass spots to scrape up 11.47 good for second place. caught them all on worms in 6 to 22 FOW. I have to say this though. even though i did not win it was a win in my book, because we beat jmax. Smile haha. Anytime i can take down ole jmax its a good night. emoPoke