Fishing Forum

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I was down at the clear creek stream by the freemont indian state park today i was going to fish but i decided to just walk around and look at the fish, but anyway while i was walking around i knoticed that alot of the beaver ponds were torn out and i saw no fresh chew marks on any of the trees so i was wondering who i could contact to ask what happened to them. i figgure that where it is a state park people couldnt trap them out of there so i think it would have had to have been a state parks project. I think it is too bad because i was hoping to try to fish some of these ponds and maybe even see a beaver swimming in his pond, i also thought that the beaver and beaver ponds were really cool to have in an indian state park because that is something that i assosiate with indians and the old west.
I forgot to add that the last time i was there i think it was april or may the beaver dans were still intact and i saw alot of fresh chewed trees.