Steck park or Brownlee dam? On my way now And can't decide!!!
What are you going after? Ron
All cats!!! Channels and especially blue and flathead!
I would go to Brownlee Dam
Already past steck and it's windy as hell!!! But nice to be out in the warm night and half moon dancing on the whitecaps!! Haha I'll be fishing till morning!
No skunk!!!!!! First channels about 10 inches! Still counts right?
My dad taught me if you touch the fish, it counts.
I wish I could stay up all night getting live reports, but I gotta get some sleep. Good luck.
Cool, where did you decide to go?
I went to bed. I only wish I was catfishing.
Bronco where did YOU decided to go.
I fish Steck often its been very slow. We caught 20 fish last week 3 of us , but we had to work,and we had atleast 15 throw backs very small fish.
We fished from about 10 30 pm till 12pm and only got 2 cats and 2 bass. Slow as heck!!! Moved every 30 minutes to an hour or so in the daylight and every couple of hours at night. That's over 13 hours of fishing with not much to show for it. But my buddy got his first channel! He's working on the same species checklist I've been doing and in 3 weeks has caught 13 species with a photo to show it! Tons Of dead catfish of all sizes and carp just laying around

anybody know what that's about?
I'm just guessing but I would think low oxygen due to lower than average river flow but just a guess