finally went sturgon fishing wife landed the first one 6.5 ft 200lbs . eight hours later i got my 8ft 300lbr. i think well be goin back what a rush
Nice job. They are still on my bucket list. Did you try on your own, or get a guide. If guided, how much did it run ya? (if you don;t mind me asking).
Sure looks fun.
great job!!!! Still on my list too.
we hired a guide (justin jonston) out of jerome id. we paid 575.00 for the both of us. cheaper then buying the gear and goin on your own and taking your chances.
Now those are some SERIOUS fish! Congrats!! So how do dinosaurs like that fight? Definitely jealous.
Is that guide preety hard to get an appointment with. Good job thanks for lighting the fire under my but, i want to go now[

like pulling up a volkswagon with all four tires spinning when they want to go for a run all you can do is hold on tight and let,em wait till they stop and reel some more.
we booked last year. he is done for the year. we are booked again for next year going to take my dad for his 81st birthday. if you want i can pm you his number for a trip next year
thats okay, dont know what will happen by next year. Thanks anyway man, appreciate it.[
