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Full Version: 7/27-7/29 American Falls Sturgeon
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I thought I would help out what I could and post my first thread. Little about myself to begin with. Born and raised in south east Idaho, but currently live in Denver, CO. I am lucky enough having a work schedule that lets me travel back about once a month, to do a little sturgeon fishing.

Met up with my dad Friday afternoon after the "lovely" 630 mile 9 hr trip. Water flows were right at 10,000cfs, and was told that the water temperature was 73. It felt every bit of that. Not too many boaters out on the water this trip. I don't blame them either, 95 degrees makes it almost to hot to sit there.

We were getting quite a few bites, but had a lot of trouble hooking up with anything. After many failed hook-ups finally started catching some sturgeon. The size of the fish would explain why we kept missing. Hooks are not the optimal size for these little guys.
[Image: IMG_20120727_202047.jpg]
We ended up catching 5 of these all measuring around 24"
Saturday and Sunday was a lot of the same, very few bites and very few "fish on!"
Dad had an interesting catch. The sturgeon already had a gut hooked line and 10ft or so of swivel and line hanging. His hook caught the swivel. Couldn't even catch a glimpse of the badly placed hook. All we could manage was cutting the line as close as possible and hope all goes well.

Catch of the weekend was mine. At the time we were the only boats on the water. So of course I unhooked from the anchor and went for a ride.

[Image: IMG_20120728_120027.jpg]

After all was said and done, I ended up 200 yrds down stream trying to get a snagged hook out of 5'6" sturgeons tail, in a 9' pontoon. Well if you can imagine doing that by yourself and trying to stay dry isn't very easy. It ended up with no picture for fear of a water damaged camera.

Here are some more pictures. Not all from this weekend but other trips this summer.
[Image: photo_2.JPG]
[Image: IMG_20120728_115408.jpg]

Pictures are not working out for some reason hope to get the rest up soon.
Sounds like a great trip. I can't see the pictures. Ron
Welcome to the site. Looks like you got the pictures figured out. Looks like a fun time.
Another pontoon sturgeon fisherman way to go! Ron
What my son forgot to mention is he always seems to kick my butt when it comes to catching fish. This was our third trip to the river for sturgeon using the pontoons and every trip he has out fished me hands down. He has a way of catching these things that I don't, First trip up there we landed 40 fish in four days and 29 of them was his. Think he is sitting at 45 fish for the year.
We cheat though. Instead of floating around trying to stay in a hole, we both anchor up and hope it holds. What we want to do is move down river and get into the big ones and really go for a ride.