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Full Version: Spinning and small creeks
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Newbie alert!

I've done a lot of on-line research, and think I understand bubble/fly fishing (I'll try it next Tuesday). But it seems to assume a broad enough expanse of water, OR a really accurate casting ability (which I don't have yet).

Are there specific ideas for using a spinning outfit on smaller streams? I was on Buffalo Creek a week ago, and it had so many downed trees, etc., that I didn't really want to lose my entire tackle investment in one day.

Tell me I'm crazy or cheap. That's fine. Or if you have ideas/experience, that'd be great.

A fly and bubble doesn't work on small creeks.

Try lightweight spinners and spoons (e.g., small Panther Martins, Rooster Tails and Thomas Bouyants)
cast down and across current and retrieved fast enough not to hang on the bottom.
Thanks, DonInDenver . . .

Both for this, and for your earlier welcome.

If you're casting down/across, and retrieving, does the spinner look natural enough to fool the fish? That's why I hesitate.

[quote garybrower]Thanks, DonInDenver . . .
If you're casting down/across, and retrieving, does the spinner look natural enough to fool the fish? [/quote]

Sure. It's just an attractor; it doesn't really "imitate" anything precisely. What you want to do is use the current to sort of "slide" it across similar to the way a baitfish might slide across.
Thanks! Helpful corrective!