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Team, please post your pictures from the DAV Event to this thread. I will need them for our website that will be coming soon. I also will need them to put together a thank you for all of our sponsors.

Thank you all,
Here is Jim with his first fish of the day, we ended up with 10 on the day, it was a blast well worth the long drive down... Later J
Here are pics of my vet and some fish. Might as well throw the fishing report in here. Fishing was slow for the first three hours using traditional "trout" gear and speeds. Decided to bump it up a little and put the cranks down. My vet wound up with 9 cuts and 5 lost at the boat. The hot crank was a berkley flicker shad pulled at 2.2mph-2.5mph at 30-35ft down. This was a fun event and my vet was a hoot to fish with. Lots of great stories from his days stationed at Roswell, NM.........[fishon]
I took two people out in my boat. Kelly Holmes who was my DAV for the day, and her husband Larry. Kelly is retired from the Army and a former paratrooper. Kelly and I had shared stories before as she had been my guest on the first DAV event we held several years ago. The day went fairly good for us as kelly boated 9 cutts and Larry boated 5. They each lost 3 or 4 as well with some good natured ribbing going on between them with most fish caught and who had the largest. It was great to see them have that much fun together. They even brought their little Yorkie called "Capone" along. He had a blast jumping after the trout as my son Dana was netting the fish for them. He even grabbed a 14 In. cutt out of my livewell as my son was going to put another fish in for them to take home. I didn't snap many pictures but my son did take one of Kelly and Larry together.
Mike, thank you so much for picking up the rods and tackle from Smith and Edwards and Maniac Custom Lures for me. You saved me a trip up there and it was much appreciated. Thank you my friend!
Here are some pictures that i took.

Also i would like to thank Todd, and everyone that helped for putting this together, I had a great time, and the Vet on my boat, Vaughn had a great time.