Fishing Forum

Full Version: DC. Keeps on giving.
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Monday I caught 4 rainbow (3 on PB, 1 on Rapala) at Deer Creek. They were great tasting too.
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This Morning I was back up there at 5:50am to see if Monday was just good luck. It wasn't, I caught 4 more and was home bye 9:30 am.
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I decided to try a worm behind my Dodger this time instead of a lure. I smeared some Garlic PB all over the Dodger and reeled it out, wasn't in the water 60 sec and I had my first Fish of the Morning. On My other Trolling pole I put on a Pink Squid with a half a night crawler behind POP Gear (baby Cowbells) and got My second Fish 20 minutes later on the Squid pole.
[Image: 852012052.jpg]
Then a 3rd Fish right after that on the worm and Dodger once again smeared with Garlic PB.. I was also only out 3 colors since the Fish were jumping so much, I figured they weren't to deep.
It slowed down for the next hour but I did get 3 hits. So I reeled in and threw out some Lemon Power Bait and was getting my other pole ready to cast when I got a my 4th Fish, after only 5 min of casting out. It was 8:45 and since I had My Dinner for the week I came home.

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looks like the trouts are treating you nicely i hope i can catch some gota take some one on a 5 k swim race so why not go fishing and catch some bows again maybe if lucky a decent bass to take home.

Ya this year the trouts that i have been pulling out from a few different lake looks like there all big and healthy size no dinkers for this year in the big lakes.