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I had been waiting for someone to start a thread of buck photos from this years deer hunt. Haven't noticed one so I guess I'll start it out and hope you all will join me in posting some of your photos[Wink]!!! I really enjoyed reading the hunting stories you've all shared with me and thought I'd take the opportunity to share mine with you.

I had been hunting elk (spike & cow) for nearly two weeks before the Deer hunt which really helps in scouting out the bucks... I had seen this buck on several other occasions and everytime he was in the same area as the previous time. I was lucky enough to re-encounter him on opening morning. I made a 100 yard shot on this 29 inch three point. I realize he's not a monster but I was "pee-my-pants" excited to have scored him. In addition, I harvested him on public ground in the southeastern region of the state.
Nice deer. Congrats!

Well, after that buck I'm embarrsed to post mine, no shame I guess.

I already posted the story, but I guess I'll share it again. This was my second time hunting after 12 years, I was 14 my first time and didn't know what I was doing, I still don't know what I'm doing. After a long hike I spotted this youngster laying down under a cedar. He was all but 30' away. Thanks to all those that posted jerky recipe's, he sure does taste good!
Hey, from what I've heard about the general deer hunt this year anybody who got a buck at all is doing good. And that buck that BEARCLAW got will be really tough to beat by anyone. So don't be embarrassed. But I understand how you feel. I got a decent 3x2 but it doesn't compare either. I don't have the pictures yet and I don't have a scanner so you may never see it.

Is it my imagination or is that deer Winking at the camera?
He is Winking! I also thought it looked like he was squinting from the sun on that side of his face.[sly] I really want to see your photos guys.. It doesn't matter how big or small. Like Matador said, your doing well if you got a buck at all. I hope you don't think I was trying to "show-off" but rather share with you all[Wink].. & thanks guys for the kind comments.
I know you aren't trying to show off, a guy just kind of feels dumb posting Gary Coleman next to Shaq! Nice buck by the way, I can only dream.
The millionn dollar question is: Where were you?

LaSal Mtns.
It has been a very long hard hunt for me... usually by myself, which is very nice and quiet but it does have its dramas. First day (Oct 18) of the hunt was at Timpanogo Peak, out above the Great Western Trail, and around the corner on Bear trail. I saw lots of does and fawns but no bucks to be seen. I heard a coupla gun shots from a distance. I was alone on the trail and didn't see anybody there except I had a scare when I hear a animal roar/scream... perking the hairs on the neck up... I took another four steps when again I heard it, and took a quick scan and out of the corner of my eye I saw a mountian lion jumping from a rock to a tree limb looking dead in the eye at me. IT WAS 40 FEET AWAY! Those danged cats can run fast... ya know. I remembered a advice, to make myself larger than life by raising my hands and making lots of profantity laced noises and screams at the cat. Never took my eye off of it, I looked out the corner of my eye where my rifle was pointing at, and squeezed off a gunshot from my trusty 30/30, and the cat backstepped on the branch three times, and I had to quicky reload, and aim at the rocks for its richochet effect to unnerve the cat... I fired again and the cat took off running in the opposite direction over the rock and ridge. That was my first encounter with those cats.
I was hiking down the trail when I encountered three dumb BYU students in their civies which blends with the scenery. I asked them if they knew it was the hunting season? They said no, and I told them they had been better get off the mountian because they werent wearing hunter orange. I escorted them off the mountian and they thanked me for their safety.

Sunday went hunting again on the Lone Peak trail above silver flats saw plenty of does and fawns but no bucks yet! But I did see a beautiful huge 9 point elk!!!! I took a photo of it. Will get it scanned later.

Monday went to Nebo, nada....

Tuesday went to wallsburg wildlife management area where I came across a dead bear, three elk and a deer and I reported the poaching to the wildlife dept. They are investigating it now.

Wednesday I was sick didn't go.

Thursday went up to Daniels canyon... nothing just yet but seen a few deer come out of the canyon on the back of pick ups.

Friday went out to Squaw Peak.... nothing!

Saturday high above the hills of Strawberry Reservior and daniels... nothing!

Sunday kids wanted me to stay home... so no deer....[Sad][pirate]
Hey Paul,

Boy, that encounter with the cat must have got the old heart pumpin', eh? I have only had one encounter myself with a cat. Fortunately, it was a look at its rear end as it ran down a trial I was hiking on. Those animals definately have the ability to make you feel absolutely insignificant. Quite humbling actually!!! Thanks for sharing paul..
Ok, here's the pictures of my families deer. I finally got mine on the last day at 6:00 P.M. I cut it real close this year! Mine is 25 inches wide, scores 153 green, and has incredible fronts. Keep in mind, this one was a bambi compared to the other giant buck I saw.
Wow! Congrats. But once again, where were you?

I would like to post a picture of my bull or buck, but when you didnt get anything the picture kinda looks empty. Congrats on your buck. Once again lets hope for alot of snow this winter, the lack of water doesnt only affect fishing, but hunting also.
West of I-15. Any more detailed directions than that it'll cost ya $1,000. I gotta protect my new found gem, don't ya know! There wasn't no one out there this year, and I'd kinda like to keep it that way.
i dont blame you there jensen kid. it seems like if you share stuff on this site anymore you have to give exact details. i am kind of ashamed of the whole idea that people are afraid to post pictures and what naught because of the size of antlers. its weird to me how hunters covet a set of antlers more than meat these days. there is no reason for anyone to feel like because one deer has bigger antlers then theirs isnt good enough. simply put you cant eat antlers. i shot probably the smallest two point on the mountain this year. and if it was side by side a bigger deer i might of shot it anyway simply because they taste better. of course i would have to think about that one hehe. i just think its Sad to see all the posts on here about how there deer is smaller than another, really does it matter that much how big antlers are on a animal? just curious
I really love the look of a big set of antlers on the wall, but it really wouldn't have bothered me if my deer had 5 inch spikes. I just love the taste of wild game. That's my secret to my small gut-a deer or elk steaks and fried potatoes 3 times a week.[Wink] For me, as it should be for all hunters and fishermen, its getting to have some good old time talking to my family, and relaxing. Not that hiking 12 miles is relaxing, but you know what I mean. I really don't mean to be rude by not saying, but I bet that this mountain was the only one in Utah that only had 5 hunters on it. I will however say that anyone who is young like me, and has never killed a deer, PM me next january. I'll tell you what tag to put in for and where to go.
I wasn't going to shoot anything this year but a good buck. After missing a couple during the archery and muzzleloader hunt I missed two decent 4 points and passed up many more average 3's and 4's. A 2 point was to easy to find and kill. I like to be in the outdoors more then killing a buck or wild game. I was planning on ending my last year of the dedicated program early with anything better then a two point, but my brother already got the meat for the freezer. So I didn't have any reason to kill something other then a book buck.

The last weekend of the rifle hunt I seen a bunch of small bucks and passed them all up. Later, Rick wanted the meat so we found those small bucks and nailed a good control buck. Every year Rick always runs out of meat before spring hits, so this should last him a little longer.

The best part of this hunts wasn't the huge buck my brother killed or the couple of 130 bucks all my friends ended up taging. It was the camping with good friends and family. My other brother finally started hunting again after a 5 year break and that was fun to show him a couple trick's.

The worst part was how many idiots are bow hunting and don't have a clue to what they are doing. Or the cheap bows they buy just before the hunts starts and expect to make a clean kill with something they can't even shoot straight. Or all the stories I heard about wounded bucks that were left to rot or wounded so bad even if they do live they'll end up dead during winter.

I'll post the pictures of the bucks later this week.
Just a another thought. I've been watching a couple big bucks all year long and I know they lived through the hunting season. One buck in particular is a willow horned 30+" buck that I can't wait to see if he survives the winter and the poaching season. This buck was smart, one sniff of something strange and he'd hit his bedding area running. I never got a chance to work the area because somebody was always hunting in the general area. A friend was hoping to get a chance at him but only seen him once and that was before the hunt started. Maybe I should of told him how smart this buck was. Oh well, I can't do everything for him.

Anybody else seen something good that you hope lives til next year.
Can't wait to see your photos hedgesd.. You hit the nail on the head when you said " [size 1]It was the camping with good friends and family." That's what it is all about.[Smile][/size]